Friday, 10 Jan 2025

Seismic shift changed our Sundays for ever – Shops opened for first time on a Sunday

In the end, despite vociferous opposition from unions, churches and charities, the Bill was passed with a credible majority and 25 years ago Sunday trading was finally legalised. It had not been an easy passage. Even Margaret Thatcher, whose government made so many far-reaching changes to the life of the nation, had failed to liberalise the age-old laws that stopped shops with more than 3,000 square feet of space from opening on a Sunday in England and Wales. 

Tory MPs were concerned about the impact on family life and church attendance, while Labour politicians feared for workers’ rights. 

Both sides, normally bitter enemies, came together to defeat her Shops Bill 1986. 

Such was the traditional importance and influence of the day of rest that even Test matches took Sunday off.

Bizarrely, it meant it was easier to buy a pornographic magazine on a Sunday than a Bible. 

But by 1994, strict observance of the Sabbath was declining and other religions either had different days of rest or none. 

The time was ripe for change and the Sunday Trading Act 1994 that came into force on August 26 opened the floodgates. 

Under the new rules, larger shops could finally open for up to six hours. 

The Daily Express reported that shoppers spent “hundreds of millions of pounds in six frenzied hours” on that first day of Sunday trading. 

Now, a quarter of a century on, shopping centres and high streets are as busy if not busier on a Sunday than on almost any other day of the week. 

And the resulting change in our habits has been seismic. 

Church attendance is historically low while shopping is seen by many as the national pastime. 

Dominic Sandbrook believes the change in the law coincided with a social watershed; the end of “when most people went to church and took things seriously”. 

The bestselling social historian, whose new book Who Dares Wins tells the story of the early Eighties, says: “Shopping centres became the new temples for what people wanted to do on a Sunday – to change their lives on earth and not in heaven. 

“It became a mark of tradition of how we define ourselves and our ­success, by what we own and buy.” 

For better or worse, the number of people who work on Sunday has more than doubled since the law changed in 1994. 

Then, just 2.1 million of us worked on a Sunday, some 8.5 percent of the workforce. 

By 2015, this figure had risen to 5.2 million, or nearly 17 percent of the workforce. 

But for many, the advantages are self-evident. 

For starters, shops need all the help they can get against online competition.

Extended opening hours give shoppers more time and help us avoid peak shopping hours and queuing.

Yet some still feel the current laws are out of touch with reality in our secular 21st century, arguing that Sunday shopping should be further liberalised. 

After all, there’s nothing to stop you going online at any point and shopping – so why not allow the physical activity any time on a Sunday? 

Furthermore, Sunday jobs provide a perfect opportunity for ­students or young people who can only work at the weekend. 

Mark Allatt, the director of Open Sundays, which campaigns for ­further liberalisation of Sunday trading laws, says: “It provides job opportunities for the huge increase in the number of people going to universities.” 

Before the 2012 Olympic Games, chancellor George Osborne suspended the six-hour rule for eight weekends – not wanting Britain to have a “closed for business sign during the Games”. 

Some saw it as an insidious step towards more permanent deregulation. 

But, in 2016, MPs rejected just such a permanent relaxation of the laws to let large shops trade for more than six hours. 

The proposal to devolve responsibility for decision-making to councils was thwarted by 27 Tory rebels backing SNP and Labour backbenchers. 

Despite this setback, Mr Allatt and supporters argue that the state should not be allowed to interfere with personal choice – such as when you shop. 

“We are in a more pluralistic, diverse society and our laws need to reflect that,” he says. 

“Scotland’s [Sunday trading] laws are more relaxed and it is more religious than England and Wales. No one is saying you have to go shopping but you are free to do so if you wish.” 

Outside Parliament, the main argument against Sunday opening hours pre-1994 came from trade unions seeking protection for their members. 

Today they are divided over the impact on workers and the benefits. 

Paddy Lillis, the general secretary of shopworkers’ union Usdaw, says: “The Sunday Trading Act is a fair compromise, which resolved a long-running dispute over shop opening hours and has worked well for 25 years. 

“It gives everyone a little bit of what they want. Retailers can trade, customers can shop, staff can work; while Sunday remains a special day, different to other days, and shopworkers can spend some time with their family.” 

But TUC general secretary Frances O’Grady says: “Workers have a right to opt out of Sunday working. But some people are still pressured into it. It’s particularly hard for people with a zero-hours contract. 

“If they ask to opt out, their manager can put pressure on them by refusing them work on other days. It’s another reason why zero-hours contracts should be banned.”

Some shop workers still have special rights: if they were employed before the 1994 Bill and have remained ever since, they generally can’t be made to work on a Sunday. 

Others can give their employer notice to opt out of Sunday working. 

Dr Rachel Cohen, the head of Sociology at City University, says: “As Sunday work has become ­normalised, it has gone from being a day when people are invited to work and are paid more, because it was an exception, to being commonplace. That disrupts people’s family lives. It’s usually the people with least choice who are going to miss out on some of the collective social activity, whether that’s family activities or going to the football.” 

She believes that the changes have particularly impacted the financially less well-off and those from lower social classes. 

Although church attendance is at a record low, the Church of England still believes Sunday to be a day when families can connect and engage in spiritual or social activities together.

Alan Smith, a Church of England spokesman, says: “We’re concerned that the further deregulation of Sunday trading laws is likely to disrupt the rhythms of community life that are so integral to the common good. 

“In a world of increasing commodification, the space for shared time and activities central to human flourishing is becoming increasingly rare. Needlessly extending Sunday opening hours will only exacerbate this trend.” 

Mark Allatt argues shopping can make people closer: “It can be an activity the whole family can experience together.” 

But Keep Sunday Special! campaigner John Ashcroft says: “People still really value their time together and make use of it. Sundays are a precious resource and one that needs to be safeguarded and protected.” 

Ironically, in another 25 years, we may find shops once again ­closing on a Sunday because of the internet – ever more instant, available and flexible, and proving the real threat to retail footfall. 

That urgent online delivery to your door is now a compelling alternative to that of the priest’s sermon – or even a visit to the local shopping ­centre. 

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