Tuesday, 24 Sep 2024

Scottish Tory leader says Boris should resign if he broke rules over flat

The leader of the Scottish Tories has said that Boris Johnson should resign if he broke the ministerial code.

Douglas Ross said today that if an investigation finds he didn’t declare an interest properly regarding the redecoration of his flat in Downing Street, he should not continue as prime minister.

Asked on the BBC’s Andrew Marr show, he said: ‘Well Nicola Sturgeon was found to have misled MSPs in Parliament by a cross-party committee.

‘There are currently three investigations under way in terms of what the Prime Minister has done and issues around that and I think it’s right that we look to have serious questions answered on all of those points.’

When asked ‘yes or no’ of the prime minister should resign if he is found to have broken the Code, he said: ‘Of course – I think people expect the highest standards of those in the highest office of the land.

‘And that’s why I think people are looking at the investigations that are ongoing and waiting for the answers to be heard.’

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