Sunday, 29 Sep 2024

Royal scandal: Former Spanish King pays £3.8million in taxes to avoid lawsuit

King Juan Carlos to leave Spain over financial scandal

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The former Monarch, who stepped down in 2014, paid the sum to Spain’s Tax Agency after receiving undeclared income over a number of years. The voluntary settlement was based on £6.9million (€8million) worth of payments relating to private flights taken from 2009.

According to Juan Carlos’s lawyer, the travel costs and expenses were paid via a foundation from which he benefited.

Authorities regard the method of funding as a form of payment and therefore subject to income tax.

The incident comes less than three months after a separate payment of more than half a million was made to tax authorities by Juan Carlos.

In December, he made a payment of £587,000 (€678,000) to tax authorities, amid alleged illegal credit card activity.

Under Spanish law, if a taxpayer settles their taxes before being officially notified, they could avoid further action.

In another case, prosecutors at Spain’s Supreme Court opened several investigations into Juan Carlos’ business dealings, including those linked to a high-speed train contract in Saudi Arabia.

Spanish monarchs have immunity during their reign but Juan Carlos’ abdication potentially leaves him vulnerable to legal action.

Spain’s Deputy Prime Minister Carmen Calvo said the Spanish government cannot comment on individual cases.

But, Mr Calvo pointed out no one in Spain is above the law.

He added: “No one is allowed to break the law.

“This comment is even more relevant today.”

Juan Carlos ascended to the throne in 1975 and is one of the most influential figures in modern history.

He played a pivotal hand in guiding Spain to democracy following the death of right-wing dictator General Francisco Franco.

Juan Carlos abdicated in 2014 in the wake of a number of scandals and plummeting approval ratings.

He was succeeded by his son Crown Prince Felipe, who remains as head of state today.


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Juan Carlos has been living in exile in the United Arab Emirates since he left Spain.

In March 2020, King Felipe renounced all personal inheritances from his father and cut allowances.

Source: Read Full Article

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