Monday, 7 Oct 2024

Royal rivals: Why does Piers Morgan have such a GRUDGE against Meghan Markle?

At a time when most in the public eye are calling for the media to leave heavily pregnant Meghan Markle in peace, Piers Morgan seems determined to keep stoking the fires of vitriol towards the Duchess of Sussex. He has called her “fake”, a “ruthless social climber” and accused her of using her marriage to “get to the top”. So what happened to make a middle-aged British broadcaster so bitter toward a 37-year-old American actress-turned-Duchess?

It all seems to stem back to before Meghan met Prince Harry.

In December last year, Piers Morgan, 54, took to the Daily Mail to write an extensive column about Meghan, which he titled: “Meghan Markle is a ruthless social climbing actress who has landed the role of her life and is determined to milk it for all she can – and that’s why the Palace is beginning to turn on her.”

It begins: “I was ghosted by Meghan Markle,” and goes on to detail how Meghan and Piers were friendly in 2015, starting with following each other on Twitter.

He said they then began to correspond regularly, chatting about all sorts of topics.

He wrote: “She even started sending me early preview episodes of her show so we could debate juicy storylines yet to air – which we did, at length.”

Then, in June 2016, they met for drinks in London at his favourite pub while she was in town.

She did, and that was the end of the friendship.

He wrote: “At this point, I was indeed labouring under the massive misapprehension that we were friends. I was wrong.

“She met Prince Harry at the dinner that night, went on a solo date with him the next night, and I never heard from her again. Not a word. I’d been ghosted.”

Piers took this with great offence, as a snub – now that Meghan had met someone more famous than he was, she no longer needed him.

He wrote: “I’d been ‘played’ by a couple of B-list actors (he also speaks of Meghan’s friend, Rick Hoffman), who were clearly just using me to advance their careers.”

But what really happened that evening, when Meghan met Piers at the pub?

Is it really possible, even if she was just using him for publicity, that she would have written him off so swiftly, after just one drink with Harry?

Surely she’d have been wiser than that, in case the relationship didn’t work out?

Meghan’s fans have their own ideas, which they share readily on Twitter whenever Piers takes to social media to attack the Duchess.

In his most recent tweet, he shared a picture of Meghan hugging a young child, with the caption: “Taxpayers have paid for Megan Antoinette’s lavish wedding, her lavish baby-shower & her lavish home refurb – why the hell should we also pay for her to now be Queen of Africa?”

Twitter users were quick to jump to her defence, and made clear it seems Piers is still smarting from the snub.

One wrote: “Do you really think it’s ok for a grown man to constantly attack a woman for not accepting his friendship?”

Another said: “We didn’t pay for the whole wedding & we paid nothing for the baby shower which wasn’t even in this country! For God’s sake, stop making stuff up! Leave her alone!”

Royal correspondent Angela Mollard spoke on the subject on New Idea magazines podcast, Royals.

She said: “Every single time he makes a comment about her it’s negative, I think it’s sour grapes on his part.

“I think it shows good judgement on her part, because she did drop him, knowing that he lacked integrity.”

Source: Read Full Article

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