Sunday, 29 Sep 2024

Royal reveal: Harry became “pis*ed off” at “snob” William over Meghan Markle comment

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The book, ‘Finding Freedom: Harry and Meghan and the Making of a Modern Royal Family’, is due to be published in August. It was written by royal watchers Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand who reportedly spoke to people close to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

Ahead of its publication extracts from ‘Finding Freedom’ are being serialised in the Sunday Times.

According to Mr Scobie and Ms Durand Harry was angered by advice from his brother urging him not to “rush” his relationship with Meghan.

Sources told the royal authors William said: “Don’t feel you need to rush this.

“Take as much time as you need to get to know this girl.”

However according to another source after this “Harry was pissed off”.  

They added: “Pissed off that his brother would ask such a thing.

“Some felt it was an overreaction.

“But then, this sums them up as people — William, the calm and rational one, and Harry, who can’t help but take things far too personally.”

Mr Scobie and Ms Durand claim it was the words “this girl” which particularly offended Harry.

They claimed: “In those last two words, “this girl”, Harry heard the tone of snobbishness that was anathema to his approach to the world.

“During his 10-year career in the military, outside the royal bubble, he had learnt not to make snap judgments about people based on their accent, education, ethnicity, class or profession.

“Also, to remove Meghan from the equation, Harry was tired of the dynamic that had become established between him and his older brother.


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“There had come a point when Harry no longer felt as though he needed looking after.

“There was a thin line between caring and condescending.”

Harry and Meghan first met on a blind date in July 2016.

They announced their engagement in November 2017 and were married the following May.

Explaining Harry’s reaction to Mr Scobie and Ms Durand one friend said: “Harry could see through William’s words. He was being a snob.”

Another added: “Harry has a heart of gold, but he’s incredibly sensitive.”

It wasn’t just William who initially had reservations about Meghan according to the new book.

One senior royal reportedly referred to her as “Harry’s showgirl” whilst another warned “she comes with a lot of baggage”.

Harry was said to be “aware” of this talk but didn’t let it influence him.

A source said: “Nothing was going to get in the way of his happiness.

“He knew Meghan was right for him. Their love was real, and their feelings for each other were genuine. Everything else was noise.”

Source: Read Full Article

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