Saturday, 29 Jun 2024

Royal Family LIVE: Queen blunder after ‘role of lifetime’ for Meghan Markle ‘lost forever’

Meghan Markle unlikely to return for jubilee says Richard Palmer

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The Queen could have offered Meghan “the role of a lifetime” – leading the tour in Belize, Jamaica and The Bahamas – had the Duke and Duchess of Sussex remained as full-time working royals, according to commentator Tony Parsons. However, this “royal yacht has sailed” as Meghan and Harry are no longer working members of the Firm, a move dubbed as Megxit. He wrote in The Sun: “Imagining them doing a gruelling meet-and-greet all over the Commonwealth is just a crazy dream. But seeing William and Kate looking uncomfortable in the Caribbean was a reminder of the historic opportunity that has been lost forever.”


Meghan and Harry ‘perfect’ for Caribbean tour

Commentator and author Tony Parsons believes Meghan and Prince Harry would have been more successful than Kate and Prince William had they carried out their recent tour to Belize, Jamaica and The Bahamas.

He wrote in The Sun: “If only the Palace had just slapped some factor 50 on Harry’s bald spot and told Meghan she was about to play the role of a lifetime.

“That royal yacht has sailed, of course.”

Speaking about the potential of having the Duke and Duchess of Sussex touring the Caribbean while representing the Crown, he added: “Imagining them doing a gruelling meet-and-greet all over the Commonwealth is just a crazy dream.

“But seeing William and Kate looking uncomfortable in the Caribbean was a reminder of the historic opportunity that has been lost for ever.

“William and Kate did their very best. But the bitter truth is their Caribbean tour would have been a perfect gig for Harry and Meghan.

“Woke yet glam, caring yet charismatic, their eyes shining with compassionate tears, Harry and Meghan would have been living, multi-racial proof the Royal Family are not some milky white leftover from ancient history.”

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