Thursday, 16 Jan 2025

Royal baby TENSIONS: Meghan Markle must let Prince Harry be the ‘father he WANTS TO BE’

The Duchess of Sussex will have to take upon herself not only the duties coming with motherhood but also the responsibility to emotionally support Prince Harry through the first months of their new enlarged family, according to Sheela Mackintosh-Stewart, a matrimonial consultant. The expert said it is very important for mothers to let new dads handle newborns “their own way” and give them time to adapt to their new role. Failing to do so could open cracks in their marriage and fuel underlining tensions, the expert said. 

Mrs Mackintosh-Stewart told “Meghan and Harry have thus far led their lives as equals and enjoyed activities centred around their love for each other.

“But when the baby arrives, the couple will start to assume different and not always complementary roles.

“The biological hardwiring of gender differences in parenting will also start to surface.

“Mothers often ‘fall in love’ with their child who soon consumes her waking thoughts in the way that her husband used to. 

“She will also assume that her partner feels the same towards the baby.

“Yet while most men are ecstatic about fatherhood, paternal love can be different as fathers are not evolutionarily wired in the same way – their love is more of the slow burn variety.

“Many women feel very disappointed by this and inevitably this causes tensions.

“Fathers often need positive reinforcements to help them bond with the baby. 

“It might help for Meghan to praise Harry when he does things right in order to bolster his confidence with handling the baby.

“Inevitably Harry will not do it the way Meghan wants, but it’s important to let him be the father he wants to be.”

Mrs Mackintosh-Stewart explained transitioning into parenthood is “the most stressful time for marriage”, but it can make a couple even stronger if husband and wife work together and support each other. 

She said: “Transitioning to parenthood is probably the most stressful time for a marriage because couples are thrown in at the deep end without a clue of how to deal with a demanding small human.

“At times, couples will feel incredibly close, while at other times, they may feel that their partner is living in another dimension.

“It is therefore important that Meghan and Harry stay connected, practice ‘love-in-action’ strategies and react to the changes positively.”

Meghan’s baby is due within weeks, with many royal watchers speculating she will give birth towards the end of April.    

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