Saturday, 28 Sep 2024

Rory Stewart savages Sadiq Khan on knife crime – ‘If I was Mayor I would resign!’

Knife crime in London has remained a major talking point over the past few years in the UK. Violent crime statistics have shown to be at an all-time high in the capital and London Mayor Sadiq Khan has faced much criticism for this. Former MP Rory Stewart insisted it is the responsibility of the Mayor to curb surges in crime in their city.

During an interview with LBC’s Nick Ferrari, he added if he was Mayor and failed to do stop the rise in knife crime he would resign from the role.

Mr Stewart said: “This is something that can be turned around.

“We need the Mayor to say, I am taking responsibility.

“We need him to say I am the Police and Crime Commissioner and I have got to provide leadership and get behind these exceptional people in the Metropolitan Police to reduce crime.

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“The test of a great leader in policing is to say a very simple thing which is my job is to reduce crime and to set about reducing crime.

“So if I became Mayor I would say very straightforwardly, as I did in prisons where I said I would resign unless I reduced violent crime win prisons, I would say I will resign unless we reduce violent street crimes and we can do it.

“We know how to do it because the police have done it.”

Mr Ferrari then questioned whether Mr Stewart would not consider a second term as mayor if he did not feel he had made a success of his first.

Mr Stewart said: “You have to be accountable.

“I want to hear Sadiq Khan say: I will do this, this is my job, this is what I want you to judge me on.

“I would be very tempted to resign as mayor.

“If I thought I had failed on the fundamental contract I had made with the public I would be tempted to resign as mayor.

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“I am so confident that this can be done, that we can reduce crime, that we have the resources and plant to do it, and I failed, I would be prepared to resign.

“This is the same as with prisons. If I hadn’t reduced violence by 17 percent I would have resigned.”

Mr Stewart concluded by commending the police commissioner Cressida Dick.

He insisted she was an exceptional commissioner but the responsibility rested with the Mayor.

Source: Read Full Article

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