Monday, 30 Sep 2024

Rishi Sunak admits 'I'm a total coke addict' to two boys – then corrects himself

Rishi Sunak accidentally admitted to being a ‘total coke addict’ before spending an inordinate amount of time clarifying that he meant the drink, not the drug.

In unearthed footage, said to be from summer 2019, the chancellor is seen making awkward conversation with two schoolboys, confessing: ‘I’m a coke addict, a total coke addict.’

In a moment of blind panic, he then looks at the camera and clarifies: ‘Coca Cola addict, just for the record. Just to be totally clear. Coca Cola addict’

While many would have moved swiftly on at this point, Mr Sunak chooses to linger on the topic, going on to extol the virtues of the drink – at some length.

Despite already dodging one potentially awkward connotation, the chancellor is then heard telling the teens he likes his ‘special coke’ to be from Mexico.

The Treasury said the footage was ‘very old’ as it started to go viral online – just before Mr Sunak is set to give one of the most important speeches of his political career.

Later, the chancellor will unveil his Budget as he attempts to rebuild the UK’s finances that have been devastated by the pandemic.

He’s set to announce yet another extension to the furlough scheme until September, despite the huge cost to the taxpayer.

But back in 2019, life was clearly simpler for Mr Sunak as he spoke with Richmond School and Sixth Form College pupils George Harris and George Whyatt for their podcast.

‘I’m a Coca Cola addict. I have seven fillings to show for it’, he told the teenagers who were already looking somewhat bored.

‘I genuinely do have seven fillings because I got through a lot of the stuff when I was young which was very bad so people should not, don’t do that.’

‘But I have one a week now,’ he continued, barely taking a breath. I’m only allowed one a week. So I’m an enormous Coca-Cola fan. I won’t drink Diet Coke. No Coke Zero. Never any Pepsi.’

Anyone who thought Mr Sunak may have finally exhausted the topic were clearly mistaken.

‘And actually my favourite drink is called Mexican Coke,’ he said. ‘Because you get it and it’s special Coke. It’s the only place in the world where it is made with cane sugar rather than high fructose corn syrup, for the people who are really interested in this kind of thing.’

It’s not known how much longer Mr Sunak carried on with the rant as the video abruptly cuts him off in the middle of his sentence: ‘So if anyone is travelling in Mexico or…’

The chancellor’s claims have already come under scrutiny. It’s apparently a myth that Mexican Coke is the only variety flavoured with cane sugar, the Mirror reported.

In fact, the Coca-Cola company list the drink as being flavoured with sugar in a number of countries, including the United Kingdom.

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