Saturday, 22 Jun 2024

Revealed: How Kate has special ‘role’ in the Royal Family that could end devastating feud

The relations between the Windsor princes have been strained for some time now, with Harry admitting that all is not well. In the ITV documentary ‘Harry & Meghan: An African Journey’, the Duke of Sussex told Tom Bradby: “Inevitably stuff happens. But we’re brothers, we’ll always be brothers.

“We’re certainly on different paths at the moment.”

Royal commentator Kate Nicholls thinks that the Duchess of Cambridge is temperamentally equipped to be the peacemaker that brings the warring brothers back together.

In an interview in Closer magazine she described Kate as a team player, and ever the diplomat.

She said: “Behind the scenes, she’s known to play the role of peacemaker.

“She’s aware it is not in anyone’s best interest to feud.”

As a peacemaker, the Duchess of Cambridge would be stepping into the shoes of the Queen’s former private secretary Christopher Geidt.

He played a pivotal role in smoothing over relations between royal family members and has been missed ever since he retired in 2017.

Relations between the two brothers took a turn for the worse back in 2016, after William tried to advise Harry not to rush into marriage with Meghan.

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According to sources, Harry resented William’s interference in his private affairs.

A friend told People: “There is a lot of hurt and a lot of unresolved issues between the boys, and no one to help mediate.”

He added that as a result: ”Petty grievances can become huge conflicts between all the different royal offices if they aren’t managed correctly, and that’s exactly what’s happening now.”

Ms Nicholls believes that Meghan and Kate must join forces to save the Royal Family as the Queen heads towards retirement.

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As the New Year approaches, the 93-year-old Queen remains very much in control.

However, there is already speculation that she may opt to hand over day-to-day control to Charles in 18 months, when she turns 95.

The royal expert believes the possibility of the Queen stepping aside was likely to “force” the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan, 38, and the Duchess of Cambridge Kate, 37, to work more closely together.

She said: “I think after a festive break, both Kate and Meghan will know that joint ventures to support the Queen are not only part of their duty, but also good for the public image.

“Kate knows the pressure is on her and Meghan to save the royal family, to an extent.”

Prince Andrew’s ongoing troubles, which have seen him stripped of his royal duties, are likely to present an opportunity for other members of the Royal Family to increase their profiles.

Ms Nicholl said as a result, his charities may be divided up, resulting in Kate and William, and Meghan and Harry, putting on a “united front”.

She added: “The Queen turns 94 this year and there’s a plan in place to relieve her of her pressures, which is why she’s calling on the four to step up.

“Although the Cambridges and Sussexes have their own charities, I think the Queen’s move towards retirement will force them to work closely with each other.”

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