Thursday, 3 Oct 2024

Revealed: Boris Johnson ‘deliberately tripped’ into river for publicity – ‘no accident’

Boris Johnson secured 114 votes in the first ballot of the Conservative Party leadership contest on Thursday, more than 70 votes ahead of the second candidate, Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt. But, Jo Tanner, a former adviser to Boris Johnson, has revealed the moment Mr Johnson deliberately fell into a river to generate publicity. Ms Tanner suggested stunts, such as rugby tackling a 10-year-old Japanese school child, helped gather media attention.

She told The Times Red Box Podcast at the end of April: “If you look at a lot of the photo ops you do as London Mayor, the first one he did, it was after I had gone, but the first photo op he had as London Mayor he went off to clean up some sort of river or stream.

“He had this thing you pick up rubbish with and a black bag and managed to fall in. Now that was no accident.”

She added: “The reason he has rugby tackled kids in football matches and things, is because it means those photo ops get covered.

“Some of the ones he did when he was abroad he would bring his ‘Borisism’ to them.

Now that was no accident

Jo Tanner, a former adviser to Boris Johnson

“If you look at half the stuff Jeremy Hunt does, you don’t see, and Boris has got that knack, it’s not necessarily always right, but it is a knack of ensuring this stuff gets covered. It gets seen.” has contacted Boris Johnson for comment.

On Thursday, the first ballot placed Mr Johnson well ahead of fellow candidates for the top job.

After debates and hustings, Tory MPs will vote again in the second ballot next week, where candidates need to secure 10 percent of the vote (a total of 33 MPs) to stay in the race.

But, the former foreign secretary has been criticised for his lack of media interviews in his bid to become the next leader of the Conservative Party.

Supporter’s of Mr Johnson have said the former foreign secretary has focused his time so far on winning over colleagues.

During his speech on Wednesday, Mr Johnson vowed to deliver Brexit with or without a deal by the end of October.

He said: “Now is the time to unite this country and unite this society, and we cannot begin that task until we have delivered on the primary request of the people; the one big thing they have asked us to do. After three years and two missed deadlines, we must leave the EU on October 31.

“We simply will not get a result if we give the slightest hint that we want to go on kicking the can down the road with yet more delay. Delay means defeat. Delay means Corbyn. Kick the can and we kick the bucket.

“With every week and month that goes by in which we fail to deliver on our promise I am afraid we will further alienate not just our natural supporters but anyone who believes that politicians should deliver on their promises.”

On Thursday Andrea Leadsom, Esther McVey and Mark Harper were all knocked out of the leadership contest. On Thursday Health Secretary Matt Hancock withdrew form the race after only getting 20 votes in the first round.

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