Saturday, 15 Jun 2024

Real IRA founder behind Prince Charles bomb plot dies in prison

Seamus McGrane, 64, died from a suspected heart attack on Saturday. The Real IRA leader was serving 11-and-a-half years for directing terrorism, only the second person to be convicted of the offence in the Republic of Ireland. The dissident republican was also convicted of IRA membership during his trial in 2017.

The trial heard that McGrane was recorded discussing Real IRA activities including the planned explosion in the run-up to Charles’s visit.

Sentencing McGrane, presiding judge Ms Justice Isobel Kennedy described it as “a most serious offence”.

The Real IRA leader was bugged when he spoke about the bombing in pub The Coachman’s Inn in 2015.

The recording referred to a “military operation” of significance and a person “coming on the 19th”, the day Charles arrived in Ireland.

The dissident republican was arrested six days before the planned attack.

When his home was searched, police found weapons and explosives including detonators, ammunition and mortars.

The Irish Prison Service said no foul play was suspected in McGrane’s death.

A spokesman said: “As with all deaths in custody the Prison Service, the Inspector of Prisons and An Garda Síochána will be investigating the incident.”

Charles was joined by the Duchess of Cornwall for the official four-day tour of Ireland in May 2015.

The trip included a visit to the area in County Sligo where the Provisional IRA murdered his beloved great-uncle Lord Mountbatten along with three others in 1979.

Charles’s tour came after the Queen’s state visit to Ireland in 2011 and trip to Belfast a year later where she shook hands for the first time with former IRA commander Martin McGuinness.

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