Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

R-rate SOARS: UK on brink of third wave as horrifying study exposes surge in infections

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According to Kings College London’s ZOE study, the infection rate in several areas is rising fuelling fears of a third wave of the virus. 

Such is the high rate of infections across the country, lead scientists of the study, professor Tim Spector the situation looks “bleak” for the UK. 

He added: “With just a week until Christmas Day it’s a bleak picture across the UK, particularly for Wales and London.

“Our data shows that cases and hospitalisations are rising again, which worryingly could mean the start of a third wave earlier than we expected.

“Sadly, Christmas 2020 won’t be normal. People should stay in small groups, avoid travelling to and from higher risk areas and socialise outdoors.

“People also need to know about the 20+ symptoms of early infection they can experience including fatigue and headache and not take risks if they start feeling unwell.

“There are no exceptions, everyone needs to take care, but we are urging people to consider postponing Christmas socialising until Easter.”

Wales now has the highest infection rate across the UK with 1.2. 

More to follow…

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