Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

Queen SNUB: Meghan Markle and Prince Harry shunned Royal Family offer to travel the world

Meghan and Harry were 'offered Commonwealth role' says expert

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Andrew Morton told the Royally Obsessed podcast, Queen Elizabeth II gave Prince Harry and Meghan Markle the opportunity to travel the world as part of the Royal Family. The royal commentator added that Meghan Markle was also given the opportunity to continue her acting career while part of the monarchy.

Mr Morton said: “They were given a degree of latitude because they were told here is your first-class tickets, pick a country you want to go to, we are going to make you Youth Ambassadors of the Commonwealth.

“Do you want to go to the Caribbean, be our guest? Do you want to go to Australia or New Zealand? Make yourself comfortable.

“So in fairness to the Royal Family and in fairness to the Queen, she did give them that opportunity to go wherever they pleased around the world.

“Also, they did say to Meghan, if you do not want to embrace royal duties full time please be our guest and continue your acting career.

“So all these opportunities were open to her so I think neither of them gave it the thought that they should have done.”

This week marks the one-year anniversary of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex stepping down as working royals.

Last month, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s explosive interview with Oprah Winfrey aired.

According to a March poll, the UK does not support Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s decision to do a tell-all interview with Oprah Winfrey.

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During the HeirPod podcast, Omid Scobie analysed the findings of YouGov polls in the UK and US following the airing of the Oprah Winfrey interview.

The Finding Freedom biographer stated that the results of the UK poll mirrored the public push back against some of the claims made by Meghan Markle and Prince Harry against the Royal Family.

Mr Scobie said: “We certainly saw with a YouGov direct poll with 2000-3000 adults, they found that 40 percent of Americans believed it was appropriate to take part in the interview and be that candid.

“The remaining figure was the majority of people saying I don’t care and then others saying it was inappropriate.


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“This is very different from the UK where 47 percent of those polled said that it was inappropriate for the couple to share their story despite what had come out from the interview.

“I guess this kind of mirrors the public push back we have seen against what are some very big claims against the Royal Family.

“Many people seemingly want to bury their heads in the sand and hope that it goes away.

“I imagine that certain family members are in the same position as that.”

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