Monday, 7 Oct 2024

Queen records first ever Easter message telling nation coronavirus ‘will not overcome us’

With no Easter services across the country, Her Majesty has sent a message to those who are celebrating Easter privately. She said the most important Christian festival has not been cancelled despite churches being shut.

Her Majesticy told the country: “This year Easter will be different for many of us, but by keeping apart we keep others safe.”

It comes just a week after her historic addresses to the nation in which she urged Britons to take pride in their response to the crisis.

The message was recorded at Windsor Castle on Friday where the Queen would normally spend the Easter weekend privately with her family, and released tonight.

It featured a video of a candle bringing light to an altar.

The Queen who is head of the Established Churches of England and Scotland said “many religions have festivals which celebrate light overcoming darkness”.

Candles also appeal to everyone used extensively in celebrations such as birthdays and anniversaries “when we gather happily around a source of light. It unites us”, she said.

She added that as darkness falls tonight before Easter Sunday, normally Christians would light a candle together passing it on to their fellow worshippers in the congregation.

But this year “we need Easter as much as ever” and we should “all take heart” that Jesus’s followers were given “new hope and fresh purpose” by the resurrection.

She told the nation: “We know that coronavirus will not overcome us.

“As dark as death can be – particularly for those suffering with grief – light and life are greater.

“May the living flame of the Easter hope be steady guide as we face the future.

“I wish everyone of all faiths and denominations a blessed Easter.”

For the past two years Prince Charles has sent an Easter message but Buckingham Palace said because of the pandemic Her Majesty decided to record one on Friday.

The same precautions were taken as when the Queen recorded the address to the nation to ensure there was no risk to her.

She recorded it in the White Drawing room into a microphone with the sound engineer in the next room with the broadcast equipment set up and cleaned ahead of the recording.

The Duke Of Cambridge in a letter also praised the Church of Scotland saying it was “heartening” it had reinvented itself by using new technology to remain connected with its followers.

He acknowledged “how difficult a time this must be” for the churches to be “closed at the very moment when you normally come together, and when your communities need you the most”.

The Queen along with members of her family would normally attend a church service on Easter Sunday at St George’s Chapel but it was cancelled because of the pandemic.

In years past, crowds would gather to welcome them before the service begins and afterwards The Queen receives a bouquet of flowers from local children who also attended the service.

Afterwards, the monarch would usually hosts her relatives for lunch at Windsor Castle.

A Palace source said the Queen released the message today to avoid overshadowing traditional Easter messages from religious leaders tomorrow.

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