Saturday, 21 Sep 2024

Queen prioritising monarchy’s reputation over public row with Meghan and Harry – expert

Royal family 'want to protect their reputation' says expert

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Royal commentator Jonathan Sacerdoti insisted one of the Queen’s top priorities was the integrity and reputation of the Royal Family. During an interview with, Mr Sacerdoti noted that the goals of the Royal Family differ from that of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. Their criticisms of the royals have been very public however Mr Sacerdoti argued the Royal Family is more likely to continue not responding to the pair.

Mr Sacerdoti said: “I think the Royal Family will have to continue to react how it is which is by not reacting a lot of the time.

“That is because the two sides of this argument have very different agendas.

“The Royal Family, obviously, needs to protect its reputation and its PR in order to protect the wider family.

“Which is a sort of hierarchical pyramid of seniority, with the monarch, the Queen, at the head.

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“Below her, Prince Charles and below him Prince William.”

The Royal commentator then argued Harry’s behaviour and feelings were understandable due to his place in the hierarchy.

He said: “So it is understandable that Prince Harry as an individual, as a personality, might have felt frustrated by that.

“He said he felt trapped, being born into that structure.

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“He believes his brother and his father are also trapped, he compared it to the Truman Show.”

Mr Sacerdoti again reiterated the difference in goals the Royal Family and Meghan and Harry have.

He said: “I really think the priorities of the family is to make sure they protect that structure.

“To protect the reputation of that structure and anything they do is designed for that end.

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“Whereas, the priorities of Meghan and Harry are to protect their own reputations and to build their reputations in the way they want to.

“The image of being goodwill ambassadors to the world, spreading important stories about mental health and other issues they feel are important or play well to their audience.

“The two are on different trajectories and I think the Royal Family will continue to resist responding to every single thing they do or say unless they absolutely have to.”

Source: Read Full Article

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