Monday, 17 Jun 2024

Queen Camilla title ‘unpopular choice’ but Prince Charles is ‘going to make it happen’

Camilla: Expert reveals why Duchess won't be Queen consort

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The Royal Family would have to “change the rules” in order for the Duchess of Cornwall to not be known as the Queen, a commentator has warned. Camilla’s title when Prince Charles succeeds his mother has been a running debate since the royals married. However, Us Weekly’s Royally Us podcast hosts were convinced that what had been proposed by Clarence House was unlikely to come to fruition.

Christina Garibaldi told viewers: “While Camilla may one day sit beside Prince Charles on the throne it may not be as Queen.

“Her son spoke out in an interview saying that it’s still not decided whether or not she will be given the title as Queen.”

Co-host Molly Mulshine agreed: “This is really interesting first of all that he even opened up about this.

“He said he doesn’t know if his mum will be called Queen.”

She continued: “He said, ‘It hasn’t been decided. There are a lot of interesting Sky documentaries about it, I’m sure, but I don’t know if it’s true’.

“When they were married in 2005 it was announced that her title would be ‘Her Royal Highness The Princess Consort’ whenever Charles accedes to the throne.

“But based on what I’ve read in the past, the rules say that the King’s wife is the Queen.

“They would have to change the rules in order for her not to be known as the Queen.”

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Ms Mulshine added: “I just can’t imagine them actually going to the trouble of changing the rules.”

Ms Garibaldi said: “I don’t think so either unless the rule is that she won’t be named, maybe because they got divorced in the past.

“I feel like Charles would want her as the title as Queen.”

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She continued: “So any which way that has to go down I think that he’s going to make that happen.”

When asked if it would be a “very popular choice” for him to name her Queen, Ms Garibaldi told the podcast: “I don’t think so.

“I feel like her reputation has gotten better over the years but I think that it took another hit when everything happened with The Crown this past year.

“Even her son said that a lot of it was kind of blown way out of proportion and that they got a lot of the story wrong.

“But I think a lot of people’s opinion was kind of swayed in the other direction again.”

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