Sunday, 23 Jun 2024

PuppyCam to offer a peek inside the 'Mutternity Ward'

Dublin’s largest dog welfare charity is today launching a ‘PuppyCam’ to stream live footage of its ‘Mutternity Ward’.

The initiative by Dogs Trust will give people an insight into the volume of puppies and dogs that are cared for at their rehoming centre in Finglas.

The state of the art ‘Mutternity Ward’ opened in 2014 and cares for around 500 puppies every year, providing a wide range of care including socialisation and veterinary, as well as loving care.

The charity has also urged people to consider adopting a puppy, rather than buying.

Radio presenters PJ Gallagher and Jim McCabe, who acted as ‘MidWuffs’ at the launch of the ‘PuppyCam’ initiative, said: “We are both huge dog lovers and one of PJ’s dogs; Lylo is from Dogs Trust, so we were delighted to be asked to be MidWuffs for the day.

“It sounds like the ideal job, to be surrounded by cute puppies all day but it’s really hard work cleaning up after them and keeping their kennels clean…..they poo a lot!”

Executive Director Suzie Carley said she hoped people would look to adopt from Dogs Trust before going online to buy a puppy.

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