Saturday, 27 Jul 2024

Protestors’ three Armistice Day locations exposed as pleas to stop ignored

Pro-Palestine protesters gather in central London for fourth week

The locations of three pro-Palestine protests planned for Armistice Day this weekend can be exposed as pleas to avoid this poignant weekend are shunned. has managed to get a hold of a copy of a leaflet handed out on Saturday afternoon during another day of dramatic protests show the locations of protests planned for November 11.

It lists the locations of three sit-ins in Central London, all of which are taking place at major train stations and would face being brought to a standstill by protesters.

Ahead of Remembrance Day, protesters have been strongly encouraged to avoid protesting on that day by the government and former army personnel.

The leaflet containing the information lists the sit-in locations as Charing Cross, Victoria Station, and Waterloo Station.

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All three protests are due to place at the same time on Saturday, 3pm, four hours after the minute’s silence.

It is not yet known if similar style ‘sit-ins’ are going to take place on Remembrance Sunday.

The leaflet also said: “Saturday, November 11 we escalate until a ceasefire is called.” Below this statement is a QR code which takes supporters to a Telegram Chat.

The sit-ins come as tensions continue to escalate between protesters and police after a weekend of violence in Central London when campaigners and police clashed in Trafalgar Square and Charing Cross.

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Speaking to about the protestors Colonel Tim Collins suggested that anyone who desecrated one of the war memorials should be deported.

He said: “People who misbehave should face the consequences of the law. So for people who are here in the country with permission to stay, that should be withdrawn because they’re not behaving in an appropriate way.

“And people who are not from this country should be deported until they can never come back.

“And then they will understand that there are certain rights and privileges in this country which you enjoy – provided you behave yourself.”

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Alongside Colonel Collins, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is understood to be concerned.

In a statement, he said: “To plan protests on Armistice Day is provocative and disrespectful, and there is a clear and present risk that the Cenotaph and other war memorials could be desecrated, something that would be an affront to the British public and the values we stand for.

“The right to remember, in peace and dignity, those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for those freedoms must be protected.

“I have asked the Home Secretary to support the Met Police in doing everything necessary to protect the sanctity of Armistice Day and Remembrance Sunday.”

Source: Read Full Article

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