Monday, 7 Oct 2024

Priti Patel 'absolutely livid' over claims she is a bully and MI5 don't trust he

Priti Patel is said to be demanding an inquiry into government leaks after a string of damaging reports which claimed she bullies staff and MI5 does not trust her.

A friend of the Home Secretary said she was ‘absolutely livid’ over the recent slew of ‘false allegations’ and has ordered the cabinet office to investigate.

The government has denied that intelligence officers held back information from Ms Patel and lacked confidence in her abilities.

The latest allegation came after she was accused of trying to oust her top civil servant and creating an ‘atmosphere of fear’ in the Home Office.

Last week media reports claimed she tried to remove permenant secretary Sir Philip Rutnam after a series of rows over her treatment of staff.

The pair were both said to be ‘deeply concerned’ by the ‘false allegations’.

A Home Office spokesman said: ‘The Home Secretary and permanent secretary are deeply concerned about the number of false allegations appearing in the media.

‘They are focused on delivering on the Home Office’s hugely important agenda, which includes creating an immigration system that works for the UK, putting more police on the streets and keeping the public safe from terrorism.’

The security services were dragged into the row yesterday when the Sunday Times quoted officials alleging intelligence chiefs do ‘not trust’ Ms Patel and have decided to share less intelligence with her.

A Government spokesman responded: ‘The Home Secretary and MI5 have a strong and close working relationship, and baseless claims to the contrary are both wrong and against the public interest.

‘The Home Secretary receives the same daily intelligence briefings as her predecessors, and no information is being withheld.’

An ally said Ms Patel asked the Cabinet Office’s director-general of propriety and ethics, Helen MacNamara, to carry out a formal leak inquiry.

Sources at the cabinet office say no official request has been made yet.

Colleagues and allies of Ms Patel admit she is a ‘demanding’ boss but deny claims she is a bully.

In the latest development, Home Office Minister James Brokenshire has jumped to the Home Secretary’s defence.

He told Sky News: ‘Yes, she is demanding, but in that role you have to be because you are dealing with some of the most sensitive, some of the most challenging things that you have to deal with across Government.

He described the reports as ‘absolute nonsense’, but conceded that there is ‘huge frustration’ across the Home Office around some of the ‘false assertions that have been made publicly’.

He added: ‘I think the Home Secretary is absolutely focused on the public good, the agenda that we’ve set around policing, on immigration and indeed around counter-terrorism and security.’

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