Monday, 24 Jun 2024

Princess Diana shock: Why ‘standoffish’ Prince Charles nearly scuppered wedding photograph

It was the kiss that came to encapsulate the fairytale wedding and would be seen by millions around the world. After the wedding the happy couple were driven to Buckingham Palace. Whereupon they walked out onto the balcony to acknowledge the adoring crowds.

And as they waved to the watching public, the crowd started chanting “kiss her”.

A joyous Diana was only too happy to oblige and reached across to kiss her husband.

However, Charles seemed less than keen to kiss his wife in public.

Former royal protection officer, Ken Wharfe, was a witness to events.

He told the programme Photos That Changed The World on the History Channel that:”Diana looked like she was genuinely enjoying the moment.

“She was in love with the Prince of Wales.

“But the Prince of Wales was rather stand-offish.

“Charles was hesitant, whereas Diana went straight in for the kiss.”


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The kiss set a royal precedent and showed that Diana was not one for observing tradition.

This was the first time that any royal couple had kissed in view at the palace.

Happily for royal followers, it has now become the norm for royal newly weds to kiss on the balcony.

Both William and Harry kissed their respective brides following their own weddings.


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In a revealing interview with the Daily Mail,royal biographer Andrew Morton described the kind of relationship Diana might have had with her daughter-in-laws, had she lived.

“I think Diana and Meghan would have got on like a house on fire because she’d have seen Meghan as somebody she aspired to be herself, someone who was an articulate activist on the world stage.

“And she’d have been thinking, ‘I wish there’d been social media when I was around.’

“And Kate would have been far more accessible in terms of her own background, somebody who went to private school in Britain.”

Mr Morton also claimed that Diana had wanted to study psychology before her death.

Mr Morton is correct that Kate and Diana had comparable upbringings, although Diana is from an aristocratic family and Kate is not.

Diana was born into a Spencer family, among the most prominent of British nobility and grew up close to the Royal Family on their Sandringham Estate.

She was initially home-schooled by a governess before attending three different private schools and finally a finishing school in Switzerland.

She never went to university – instead, in 1978 she moved to London, where she lived with flatmates and took on various low-paying jobs.

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