Friday, 20 Sep 2024

Princess Anne snub: How royal’s charity work was criticised in outrageous claim

In fact, Anne’s first ever solo royal trip was to Africa with Save the Children, during which Blue Peter captured her in her element.  Over the years, the Princess Royal has spent a significant amount of time visiting projects in Bangladesh, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Mozambique, Ethiopia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. When she was made a patron of the charity in 2016, taking over from her mother the Queen, she said: “[Save the Children] is an organisation that embodies a spirit of compassion, openness and excellence.

“Its values are an inspiration; it’s achievements, a source of hope for millions of children.”

However, she was accused by Daily Mail columnist Lynda Lee-Potter of having no compassion for the children she comes into contact with through her work with the organisation.

Ms Lee-Potter wrote in 2001: “Princess Anne has been eulogised for her work with Save the Children as though she’s a saint.

“In truth, it’s a fascinating job she relishes, and she does it on her terms.

“She’s interested in the scientific aspects and is well-informed, but she demonstrates neither compassion for the children, nor civility to their carers.”

Ms Lee-Potter may be referring to Anne’s manner when she is carrying out her duties, which is rather business-like compared to other royals.

For example, when Princess Diana started her work with the Red Cross in the Eighties, many noted how she seemed far more interested in the people, and appeared more loving and compassionate than her sister-in-law.

Royal biographer Penny Junor explained on the 2002 Channel 4 documentary ‘The Real Princess Anne’ the stark contrast between the two royals’ styles.

She said: “There was Diana on the one hand, who was incredibly touchy-feely, who hugged children, who put children on her lap, who even kissed people ‒ grown-up people ‒ in public.

“And there was Anne not touching anyone, not playing up to the cameras at all.

“She does seem very, very business-like, but she gets the work done.”

Some royal commentators even went as far as to suggest that Anne should learn from Diana’s example, which made her “angry”.

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For one thing, Anne was clocking up twice as many royal engagements as Diana, and she also felt that Diana’s approach was “too tabloid”.

According to royal photographer Steve Wood, Anne felt that Diana and Sarah Ferguson were “lessening the stature of the Royal Family”.

Anne always kept the press at a distance, but photographs from her time with Save the Children indicate that she may have kept them at a distance too.

She never appeared particularly emotional, unless annoyance and frustration count, which may have led to the assumption that she does not care as much as she should.

However, Anne remains dedicated to Save the Children after 50 years of work with them, is always well-researched and has drawn attention to much of their important work over the years.

In 2016 she praised the organisation, saying: “From significantly reducing malnutrition in some of the poorest parts of Bangladesh, to sheltering, feeding and vaccinating the young people affected by the devastating winds and rain of typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines and ensuring children in the UK leave primary school reading competently and able to fulfil their potential, their efforts to ensure that every child survives to live a happy, healthy life are outstanding.”

As well as visiting projects, Anne regularly meets fundraisers and volunteers, as well as shops around the UK.

She has attended and spoken at numerous Save the Children events and all this has given her a unique insight in the needs of children worldwide.

In 1990, President Kaunda of Zambia even nominated her for the Nobel Peace Prize for her work.

While she may appear unemotional, Princess Anne has demonstrated a commitment to the cause that has been unwavering over five decades.

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