Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

Prince William to make Kate ‘feel special’ on Valentine’s Day

Kate Middleton 'helped to save' Prince William says Levin

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The Duke and the Duchess of Cambridge could soon be enjoying a candle-lit dinner. Prince William is a traditional romantic and enjoys flowers or a special gift, royal insiders told

According to royal expert Katie Nicholl, the Duke, who is “a bit of a romantic,” may prepare a date with his wife.

Around this time last year, Ms Nicholl speculated about the couple’s potential plans for the major holiday, claiming the Duke would ensure his wife feels special.

She told OK! magazine in 2020: “I don’t know if he’d admit to it but deep down William’s a bit of a romantic.

“He’ll make sure Kate’s made to feel special on Valentine’s Day.”

She added: “I think they’ll probably use the date as an excuse to spend some time together.”

“They do have a favourite Italian restaurant in Kensington just a stone’s throw from the palace, and William has been known to treat Kate to a romantic meal there.

“But it’s very hard for them to go anywhere undercover.

“There’s a sweet side to William so I’m sure there will be a card and a thoughtful present for Kate, and perhaps a quiet dinner at home.”

The royal couple wed almost ten years ago, but before solidifying their relationship, they had to overcome some hurdles.

The Duke spoke candidly about the beginning of his relationship with his now-wife and how the pair spent some time apart early on despite becoming immediately interested in one other.

The future King said: “We were friends for over a year first and it just sort of blossomed from then on.

“We just spent more time with each other had a good giggle, had lots of fun and realised we shared the same interests and just had a really good time.”

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During their official engagement engagement interview in 2010, Kate admitted she was “not happy” about separating from the Duke but the experience “made me a stronger person”.

She added: “I think you can get quite consumed by a relationship when you are younger and I really valued that time for me as well although I didn’t think it at the time.”

William agreed with his wife, adding that they had to discover themselves in order to make the relationship work.

He said: “We were both very young, it was at university, we were both finding ourselves as such and being different characters and stuff, it was very much trying to find our own way and we were growing up, it was a bit of space and a bit of things like that and it worked out for the better.”

This year, the royal couple will mark their 10th wedding anniversary with their three children – Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis.

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