Wednesday, 2 Oct 2024

Prince William must ‘temper’ meeting with Harry and Meghan after ‘intentional damage’

Prince Harry to ‘reopen old wounds’ says commentator

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The relationship between Prince William and Prince Harry has been tense for a number of years, but since Harry and Meghan’s exit from the Royal Family, it has reportedly been more strained than ever before. Royal expert Jonathan Sacerdoti has spoken out about the brothers’ current relationship and how the Duke of Cambridge must “temper” meeting with his younger brother.

Speaking on the latest episode of Royally US, Mr Sacerdoti said: “I think it must be very different for Prince William, and generally for the Royal Family, because there is that urge presumably for them to meet up to reconcile [with Prince Harry] or to start at least to make some kind of peace between them.

“Even if they’re not going to be as close as they might once have been but that’s got to be tempered by the considerations they will have in their minds all the time of the damage that can be done”.

He added: “Meghan and Harry are constantly doing damage to the Royal Family.

“It seems intentional, if it’s not intentional, it’s then a reflection on their recklessness and perhaps lack of intelligence in how they deal with these things”.

The royal expert said: “Whether its deliberate or not deliberate, they are doing this damage and the Royal Family are in the business of damage limitation for their reputation”.

Mr Sacerdoti continued: “If there is a meeting lined up it’s going to not be leaked to the press.

“What’s said needs to be thought about very carefully in case it is leaked and I think that applies for Prince William very much.

“It must hurt a lot for a brother who was once very close to Prince Harry.

“I think it must be difficult on a personal level to feel that you want to make some sort of peace, yet you’re worried about how you can do it, whether every overturn you make will be reported, twisted or leaked”.

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Tina Brown, the author of a new book on the Royals titled The Palace Papers, shared an insight about the relationship between the two brothers.

According to Ms Brown, William and Harry were “extremely close” until Harry left the Army.

The author recently told the Telegraph that relations between the two brothers is “very bad”.

She added: “I’m told there’s absolutely nothing going on between them at the moment”.

She continued to say that after Harry left the Army and lost the military structure that came with it, he was left “rattling around and not really knowing who he was”.


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This led to a strain in his relationship with his brother.

She also added that Harry felt like he “always had to play second banana” to that of his older brother.

The two brothers were last spotted publicly together in July 2021.

They both attended an event to unveil a statue of their mother, Diana, Princess of Wales.

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