Saturday, 29 Jun 2024

Prince William bullying allegations spark new ‘murky situation’ for Duke to tackle

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Claims of bullying made against Prince William have been questioned by two royal commentators, who claimed that it was “hard to know what the truth is” regarding the breakdown in relations between the Sussexes and the Royal Family. In a re-release of his book ‘Meghan: A Hollywood Princess’, royal biographer Andrew Morton claims that Prince William’s “alleged bullying” contributed significantly to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s decision to step away from the British monarchy. 

Speaking of the allegations, Molly Mulshine told the Royally Us podcast: “This is really interesting because it goes against the narrative that Meghan has allegedly bullied staff members.

“I think with both of these situations, I just want to know more details – like what is bullying in this case? We just keep hearing this same word over and over again, and it’s hard to tell what the truth is.

“Harry and William issued a statement back when these allegations first surfaced in January 2020, where they both denied it, so that was even before everything hit the fan even worse than it had before. So they’ve both denied it, so I don’t know.”

Co-host Christina Garibaldi claimed: “It’s a very murky situation, like what is the definition of bullying to them?

“It seems like this may have happened on both sides, we don’t really know and I don’t think that this was the one instance that made them leave the Royal Family, I think there was definitely so many different factors that went into this.

“Maybe this was a small portion but Andrew Morton is definitely a highly acclaimed royal expert, he has written books with Princess Diana and things like that, he is close with the family, so it seems like he has his finger on the pulse with a lot of things that go on.

“I kind of maybe believe it coming from him.”

Kensington Palace declined to comment on the updated book’s bullying allegations.

A royal source firmly denied any bullying by William and insisted the family had done all it could to support Meghan.


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The relationship between Prince William and Prince Harry has been strained since the Sussexes announced in January 2020 that they would be stepping down from the Royal Family. 

However, in an extract released to the Daily Mirror, Andrew Morton claims: “The Duchess of Cambridge’s coolness towards Meghan, and William’s alleged bullying contributed to a devastating ‘Cain and Abel’ fallout between the brothers.

“Harry was the ‘prime mover’ in souring relations between the Sussexes and the Royal Family, but it was Meghan who ‘took the hit.'”

Andrew Morton is a well-known royal biographer, who authored the bombshell book ‘Diana: Her True Story’ with the Princess of Wales’ secret collaboration. 

Despite Morton’s claims that bullying occurred whilst the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were working for the Royal Family, the brothers strongly denied these allegations in January 2020. 


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This followed an article in The Times, which claimed that Prince William bullied the couple and that the Sussexes were sick of “constantly being told their place.”

The two brothers issued a statement to say: “Despite clear denials, a false story ran in a UK newspaper today speculating about the relationship between the Duke of Sussex and the Duke of Cambridge. For brothers who care so deeply about the issues surrounding mental health, the use of inflammatory language in this way is offensive and potentially harmful.”

Shortly afterwards, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announced they would be stepping down from the Royal Family. 

During their explosive interview with Oprah Winfrey earlier this year, the Duke of Sussex touched on the situation with Prince William, characterising their relationship as “space”. 

Meghan Markle also revealed that Kate had made her cry in a dispute over flower girl dresses in the lead-up to the 2018 royal wedding. 

Despite reuniting for both the funeral of Prince Philip and the unveiling of Princess Diana’s statue, private reconciliatory talks have reportedly been unproductive. 

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