Wednesday, 9 Oct 2024

Prince Philip’s revolutionising project cost Prince Charles and Royal Family their privacy

Prince Philip was ‘blocked openly’ on ambitions says expert

Royal commentator Alberto Angela highlighted the shift in perception of the Royal Family following a 1969 documentary Prince Philip agreed to in a bid to modernise the monarchy. The RAI Ulisse presenter noted that the press began reporting differently on royals and became more intrusive after the film was first broadcast. Following the documentary, it became difficult to prevent the public from looking deeper into the Royal Family and the life of future king Prince Charles. 

Mr Angela said: “After the 1969 documentary on the Royal Family, the British press, which had always had a very cautious attitude towards the Crown, began to be a little more intrusive.

“Once the doors of the Palace were opened, it became increasingly difficult to keep them closed and the Queen’s family paid the price.

“First of all with Charles, the heir to the throne.”

He added: “Many biographers of the Royal Family tell us of a sensitive and idealistic young man who would have preferred more expressions of tenderness from his mother and more trust from his father.”

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Prince Philip’s desire to modernise the Royal Family also received some resistance from the Queen as well.

Her Majesty was very wary of public perception and was concerned too deep a look into the monarchy would result in criticism.

The narrator of Italian documentary series, Luca Ward, said Prince Philip’s project had the Queen so concerned she ordered the film to be hidden forever.

Mr Ward said: “Prince Philip had wanted the Royal Family to be more in step with the times and let the cameras enter the palace.

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“For a few months, an entire crew followed the sovereign, her husband and their four children in their daily activities.

“The documentary ‘Royal Family’, broadcast in the summer of 1969, was a success in ratings, with 23 million viewers, but except for a few images no one has seen the entire film since.”

The Queen regarded the respect of the public paramount to the Royal Family.

Mr Ward added: “Elizabeth withdrew it from circulation.

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“Perhaps she feared that showing the royals having a barbecue would cause the monarchy to lose the sacredness that guarantees her respect from her subjects.

“Ever since, Elizabeth’s attitude towards cinema and TV has always been much more cautious.”

The next generation of royals, Prince William and Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge as well as Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex have however been praised for their modern attitudes towards the monarchy. 

When Prince Charles becomes King, he is expected to also think about ways to ensure the Royal Family remains relevant in the modern age. 

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