Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

Prince Louis clinged to Kate but snubbed William on his first day of school

Prince Louis on the Buckingham Palace balcony in June

Prince Louis appeared to give his dad Prince William the brush off after he tried to offer his youngest son some encouragement on his first day of school last year.

Last September saw Louis and his older siblings Prince George and Princess Charlotte start their first term at their new school Lambrook, with William and Princess Kate coming along to see their children off.

The family relocated from their base at Kensington Palace last year to live at Adelaide Cottage in Windsor, meaning George and Charlotte had to leave their then-school Thomas’s in Battersea.

It was an especially big day for Louis as it was his first day at primary school, however the confident young man seemed to not need to hold William’s hand as he entered Lambrook to meet his new headmaster.

Although Louis was holding Kate’s hand, a clip shows him refusing his dad’s hand when it is offered, with William admitting defeat after a few seconds and giving his son an affectionate stroke on the head instead.

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The school’s headmaster Jonathan Perry came out to greet the royals as they arrived, shaking hands with all the children.

He told them: “Welcome to Lambrook. It’s lovely to have you with us. We’re very excited for the year ahead.”

The children will be starting their new school year at Lambrook tomorrow, September 6, with Louis entering Year One, Charlotte starting Year Four and George going into Year Six.

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There has been speculation about where George will go after he finishes at Lambrook, as earlier this year he was spotted with his parents taking a tour of Eton College.

The famous school was where both William and Prince Harry attended, and its famous alumni include actor Eddie Redmayne, author George Orwell and former Prime Minister David Cameron.

However Kate may be more keen for George to start at Marlborough College, the co-educational school where she spent many happy years as a teenager.

While at school George, Charlotte and Louis do not use their royal titles so that they can feel more normal when with other pupils.

Before the death of Queen Elizabeth they had used the surname Cambridge, after their parents’ titles as Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, however now William and Kate have become the Prince and Princess of Wales.

The children are now known as George Wales, Charlotte Wales and Louis Wales, and their Prince and Princess titles are not used by teachers or classmates.

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