Sunday, 16 Jun 2024

Prince Harry’s heartbreaking insight on Queen and Prince Philip: ‘Couldn’t do without him’

Prince Philip’s funeral ‘difficult day’ for Queen says expert

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The Queen’s grandson gave a rare insight into the Queen and Prince Philip’s relationship, where he said he feared the monarch would be unable to carry out her public duties without the Duke of Edinburgh. Prince Harry made the comments during an interview with BBC veteran Andrew Marr, to mark the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.

The comments have been documented in Robert Jobson’s new biography on Prince Philip, which is due to be published next month.

He noted brothers Harry and William both spoke to Mr Marr for the three-part series, The Diamond Queen, in 2011 where they both opened up on Her Majesty’s hardworking and determined nature.

Mr Jobson said the Duke of Sussex was particularly concerned about the Queen carrying on through her old age.

The biographer said: “In an interview in the same year Prince William’s brother, Harry – who would later on in adulthood escape the gilded ‘royal cage’ and abandon Britain in favour of a freer life on the west coast of the US with his wife, Meghan – admitted that his grandmother’s heavy workload concerned him.

“‘Regardless of whether my grandfather seems to be doing his own thing, sort of wandering off like a fish down the river, the fact that he’s there, personally, I don’t think that she could do it without him,’ he said.”

Mr Marr wrote in an article for the Radio Times: “Prince Harry reflects on her ability to turn up, still smiling, at places she might not want to be: ‘These are the things that, at her age, she shouldn’t be doing, yet she’s carrying on and doing them’ (the prince says).”

In William’s chat with the journalist, the Duke said the Queen’s grandchildren have often tried to ease her workload.

He said: “We do hint at taking some things off her, but she won’t have anything of it.

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“She’s so dedicated and really determined to finish everything she started.”

Prince Philip, the Queen’s husband of 73 years, passed away last Friday, aged 99.

Tributes to the late royal have poured in from all over the world, with Prince Andrew, the Queen’s second eldest son, saying his death has “left a huge void in her life”.

The Duke of York made the comment after he attended a commemorative church service on Sunday.

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He said: “I feel very sorry and supportive of my mother who is feeling it probably more than anybody else.”

Andrew added: “He was a remarkable man, I loved him as a father.

“He was so calm. If you had a problem he would think about it. “He was always someone you could go to.”

Prince Philip’s funeral will take place at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle, from 3pm.

Due to coronavirus restrictions, only 30 guests will be allowed to attend in person.

‘Prince Philip’s Century: The Extraordinary Life of the Duke of Edinburgh’ by Robert Jobson will be available to buy from May 13.

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