Tuesday, 1 Oct 2024

Prince Harry SCOLDED by Queen over Megxit cherry-picking – ‘You are either IN OR OUT!’

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s 2020 in review

The Queen told the Duke of Sussex she would not accept a half-in-half-out scenario, with an insider warning he was told to “walk away” if he couldn’t “accept that”. A Palace insider said the Queen had wanted the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to stay on as full members of the Royal Family – but when it became clear that wasn’t possible, she insisted on a hard break. The royal insider told the Mail: “Harry was told very clearly in January by his grandmother that ‘you work for the monarchy, the monarchy doesn’t work for you’.”

They said Prince Harry was told during the tense first Megxit review that if “you can’t accept that, then you need to walk away”.

The source added: “Her Majesty was remarkably clear and decisive on that point and has never deviated from it, not once.

“I think what has evolved this year across the Atlantic has only served to prove her point.

“The Queen is very firmly of the opinion that you can’t pick and choose what you do when it comes to the institution.

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“Either you are in, or you are out.”

The palace insider also spoke of how Meghan Markle and Harry’s actions since moving to California “clearly show the truth of it, they simply had ambitions that were completely incompatible with being members of the Royal Family.”

The source added: “It was their choice to leave and seek their fortunes elsewhere.

“No one exiled them.

“Indeed, the Queen made clear she didn’t want Harry and Meghan to go and that they are still very much-loved members of her family and have her support.

“Harry and Meghan are clearly where they want to be, and good luck to them.

“But their subsequent career choices have scuppered any chance of retaining even a quasi-official royal role.”

Meghan’s range of vegan lattes was publicised by her celebrity friend Oprah Winfrey on the entertainment legend’s Instagram.

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Oprah used a crown emoji on her Instagram page.

This was seen by the Palace as a direct contravention of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s promise not to bring the monarchy into disrepute.

Another Palace source said: “It just goes to underline the Queen’s judgment.

“You simply can’t do both roles without conflict.

“And contrary to speculation, it was actually a pretty straightforward decision on Her Majesty’s behalf.”

Referring to Meghan’s entrepreneurial exploits the source added: “The Queen knows you can’t have a working member of the Royal Family also being paid millions of pounds by Spotify to tell people to ‘swipe and follow’ their podcast, or encouraging consumers to buy a certain brand of coffee.

“The two are simply incompatible.”

A second Megxit review is expected in the next few weeks.

Source: Read Full Article

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