Sunday, 7 Jul 2024

Prince Harry reunites with pals he ‘cut off’ – and surprised friends with ‘lads’ lunch’

Meghan Markle: Expert discusses Princess Diana’s statue unveiling

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While back in Britain the Duke is understood to planning to reconnect with old pals he fell out of touch with after moving to California with Meghan Markle. The Duke of Sussex also reportedly arranged a surprise “lads’ lunch” when he was in the UK for Prince Philip’s funeral in April.


A source claimed that after the wedding, Prince Harry tried to “cut everyone from the UK off” before leaving for the US.

But now three years later, the source told the Mail on Sunday the Duke of Sussex was now “showing signs of wanting to reconnect with his old life” and his close circle of inner friends.

They added: “His friends are really excited, they think that the old Harry is coming back out of his shell.

“It sounds like he’s starting to realise that he doesn’t have to abandon his old life to enjoy a new one in California with Meghan.


“The two worlds he now occupies are not mutually exclusive for his friends, though they may well be for his family.”

Prince Harry jetted to England on Friday and will now quarantine as the final preparations are made for the ceremony next Thursday.

Kensington Palace confirmed the royal brothers and Diana’s close family and others involved in organising the statue will attend the ceremony in the Sunken Garden at Kensington Palace.

Diana’s sons are expected to put their differences aside for the event, which will take place on what would have been their mother’s 60th birthday.

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Another royal source claimed the event will be a “very personal moment” for the princess’ sons and close family,

They added: “This is a small event and a very personal moment for the family.

“Plans have been scaled back due to the current COVID-19 restrictions and media arrangements reflect both the size and tone of the event.”

William and Harry commissioned the artwork in 2017 on the 20th anniversary year of her death to celebrate the princess’s life and legacy through the creation of a permanent statue.

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In a statement when the project was announced, the royal brothers said: “Our mother touched so many lives.

“We hope the statue will help all those who visit Kensington Palace to reflect on her life and her legacy.”

Harry lives in California with Meghan and their two children and as America is on the UK Government’s amber list for COVID-19 he must quarantine for 10 days.

However, he can end his isolation early under the test to release scheme if coronavirus tests taken on day two and five are negative. has approached representatives for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex for comment.

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