Saturday, 27 Jul 2024

Prince Harry ‘prioritising his own well-being’ over Royal Family drama

GMB: Prince Harry and Meghan not invited to wedding

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are thought to have turned down an invite to a friend’s wedding, possibly due to Harry’s tricky relationship with the Royal Family.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex were reportedly not on the guest list for the Duke of Westminster and Olivia Henson’s wedding at Chester Cathedral in June.

However, a source said that the couple did receive a “Save the Date” card from Harry’s close mate.

They suggested that he said no to the invite because he was worried about an uncomfortable meet-up with The Firm.

Relationship expert Louella Alderson reckons that Harry and his family haven’t made up yet, which could be why he didn’t go to the wedding.

King Charles, Queen Camilla and the Prince and Princess of Wales will all be at the wedding.

Louella told The Mirror: “If Harry declined an invite due to potential awkwardness with the Royal Family, then his friend should understand and respect his decision.”

She added: “It’s important for Harry to maintain his boundaries in an empathetic manner. If he cares about the friendship, he should communicate openly with his friend, explaining the reasons behind his decision.”

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The relationship guru described Harry’s family situation as “incredibly unique and complicated.” She explained: “It’s understandable that he may not feel comfortable attending certain events with them if they aren’t on speaking terms.”

Louella hinted that the Duke of Westminster and his bride-to-be “may even appreciate Harry choosing not to come and potentially causing a huge media frenzy”.

She warned this could overshadow the wedding day and take away from the joy of the couple. She stressed: “Their wedding day should be about them, not about any potential drama or tension between Harry and the Royal Family.”

The expert also shared her thoughts on reports of Meghan and Harry feeling “awkward” about the idea of reuniting with the royals at the wedding.

She said: “If Harry declined an invite to the wedding to avoid potential awkwardness or conflict with the Royal Family, it could indicate that their relationship is still strained and healing has not yet taken place.”

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“It may also signify that Harry is prioritising his own well-being and boundaries, choosing to avoid any potentially uncomfortable or negative situations.”

However, she also suggested the Sussexes may be hoping to avoid criticism from people in the UK if they returned.

Louella wrapped up by saying: “A wedding, which is a day of celebration, love and joy, doesn’t feel like the right time for Harry and the Royal Family to come face-to-face. It’s probably better for everyone involved, including the bride and groom, for Harry to not attend and avoid any potential drama or media frenzy.”

Louella Alderson is a relationship expert and co-founder of the So Syncd dating app.

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