Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

‘Poor old Harry!’ Duke does ‘not look happy’ as Kate and Will return to Commonwealth Games

Prince Harry 'won't knock royals' in his book says Seward

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Kate, Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William made their first appearance at this year’s Commonwealth Games on Tuesday. Accompanied by their seven-year-old daughter Princess Charlotte, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge cheered on athletes taking part in the 11-day sporting event in Birmingham. Both sporting enthusiasts, Kate and William have long been attendees at the annual Games. 

And years ago, when the Cambridges’ children were too young to join them, the couple were often joined by a third royal — William’s younger brother Prince Harry. 

Nicknamed the royal trio, Kate, William and Harry regularly carried out public engagements as a group. 

Zoe Forsey, host of the Pod Save The Queen podcast, recalled those times during this week’s episode, saying: “This is the kind of event [Commonwealth Games] where I do miss Prince Harry because this is when you always used to see William, Harry and Kate going together, sitting there, cheering them on, getting really into it and chatting away. 

“These are the kinds of younger, more active [things] that Harry was always so passionate about and I do miss him at these.”

Russell Myers, royal editor at the Daily Mirror, talked about what could have been had Harry and his wife Meghan Markle not stepped down from their positions, arguing that the Duke “would have enjoyed” being there to “watch the Lionesses” and would “certainly” be at the Commonwealth Games.

He added: “He doesn’t seem very happy at the moment. Poor old Harry.”

The former “party prince” has not carried out many public engagements since moving to the US, but recently stepped out for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and an important keynote address. 

In June, he and Meghan attended a National Service of Thanksgiving for Queen Elizabeth II, marking their first joint royal outing since March 2020, and last month, the couple travelled to New York City where the Duke delivered a speech to an informal gathering of the United Nations general assembly to mark Nelson Mandela Day. 

His recent public appearances have sparked comparisons between the Harry we see today and the much-loved working prince, with some saying that the 37-year-old has transformed.

During the latest episode of Palace Confidential, the Daily Mail’s Diary Editor Richard Eden discussed the Duke of Sussex and his transformation from “always laughing” to appearing “unhappy”. 

Mr Eden said: “He does often look unhappy.

“When you contrast that [and] Google pictures of Harry with when he was with William and Catherine back in the day.

“He was always the one who was smiling, joking, and laughing.”

He did note that the Duke has previously expressed a dislike for media photographers and admitted that Harry’s unhappy expression could be a result. 

Mr Eden concluded: “It really has been a transformation since he got married.”

While William, Kate, Harry and Meghan were initially deemed the “Fab Four”, they soon began conducting their royal duties separately, with the couples splitting their households and the Duke of Duchess and Sussex relocating from Kensington Palace, London to Frogmore Cottage in Windsor. 

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In their recent reunion — at the Platinum Jubilee Service of Thanksgiving — the atmosphere appeared to be frosty, with the couples sitting far away from each other and reportedly not even making eye contact. 

It is a stark contrast to William, Harry and Kate’s previous royal outings, during which the trio’s close bond was evident. 

Speaking about their appearance at the Commonwealth Games in 2014, body language expert Judi James touched upon the brotherly relationship between the princes. 

She told the Mirror, Ms James said: “When there are people sitting in between them, the acute, mirrored angle of lean that Harry and William perform to allow themselves to have closeness and a more intimate conversation suggests they’d be happier sitting together having playful fun.”

She described Harry as “very much the animated comic,” who will “go out of his way to make his brother and sister-in-law laugh.”

More recently, Ms James compared the prince to his past self, claiming the Duke was looking particularly downcast upon his return to the US after the Jubilee celebrations. 

She told The Mirror: “He might be holding a phone to his ear but if so, his conversation isn’t looking animated or upbeat.

“And if not his hand-to-chin gesture would add to the look of quiet reflection.”

The body language expert added that Harry’s expressions while in the car suggested an “air of reflection and sadness”.

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