Monday, 30 Sep 2024

Police spotted ‘breaking’ lockdown rules with group breakfast inside café

Police officers have been spotted appearing to flout lockdown restrictions by tucking into breakfast inside a packed cafe.

Photos taken by a passer-by show several police cars parked outside the cafe with a number of officers dining inside, despite restrictions banning gatherings and restaurants from operating table service.

Brian Jennings, 44, claims he regularly walks past the The Chef House Kitchen Cafe, near the Greenwich Patrol Base in south east London, and sees officers sitting inside eating, while it’s forbidden for the rest of the UK.

The IT manager, from Blackheath, said he was even more outraged after hearing that two women in Derbyshire were fined for going for a walk with a coffee.

He said: ‘There’s a large police depot on the Thames riverside near me. I walk past it a few times a week because it’s a nice quiet place to take exercise.

‘On the neighbouring industrial estate there’s a cafe. We noticed in the first lockdown and then we noticed it again today that, regularly, first thing in the morning there will be half a dozen squad cars outside and every table full of police officers having breakfast in there.

‘It’s not a one off it’s been going on for a few months. You read about people getting fined in the papers and it seems hypocritical as there’s no attempt at social distancing in the cafe.

‘It’s a public cafe and it’s open and it’s serving table service in lockdown – it is not good.

‘It’s about as bad as it gets in the UK with a virus and it’s insensitive and stupid. I think it’s really bad.

He added: ‘I find the regular, continued flouting of social distancing, and lockdown regulations by the police hypocritical and foolish at this time when the infection rates in Greenwich Borough are among the highest in the UK.’

A Met Police spokesperson said: ‘We are aware of the images. A local investigation is underway to identify the officers and establish the full circumstances.

‘Our officers are responsible for enforcing Covid related legislation and it is important that any allegations of breaches by our own staff are properly investigated and the appropriate action taken.’

The Chef House Kitchen has been approached for comment.

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