Saturday, 21 Sep 2024

Plymouth gunman was body-building virgin who said he was too ugly to have sex

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The Plymouth shooting suspect was a gun-obsessed, misogynist who ranted about being rejected by women on his deranged Youtube channel.

Jake Davison has been named locally as the man who killed five people with a shotgun before taking his own life yesterday.

A critical incident was declared yesterday evening after police received reports of the worst mass shooting in Britain since 2010.

Three females and two males were shot in the Keyham area of the city, police have said, including a five-year-old girl.

The identity of the gunman is yet to be formally confirmed but his online footprint provides a disturbing insight into his mindframe in the lead up to the attack.

His Youtube channel subscriptions included Incel TV, a platform dedicated to the ‘involuntary celibate’ movement.

The hateful and sexist movement, which has been linked to previous killings and the far-right, is made up of men who resent women because they feel they aren’t good looking enough to attract partners.

He also subscribed to several gun-related channels, including one providing ‘training’ videos for firearms owners. 

Davison’s Youtube cover image featured a still from a video game showing a character wielding an automatic weapon.

He also posted videos of himself training with weights. Youtube have taken the channel down.

In one video where he speaks directly into the camera, he says ‘most women are very simple minded and ain’t all that bright’.

Ranting about women not having sex with ‘average’ men, he says: ‘Why do you think sexual assaults and all these things keep rising and women talk about it? Because the reality is, is that women don’t need men no more.’

In another video, he references ‘Chads’, a slang term for sexually active men used among incels.

He says: ‘Let’s say I get with a woman my age, she’s had a million relationships. She’s likely been destroyed and broken and torn apart by f****g Chad…she’s probably incapable of loving anyone like she did when she was 16, 17, 15, when she got with that first f****g Chad.’

Davison was seemingly obsessed with losing his youth and bemoaned feeling ‘numb’ as an adult, compared to being a ‘fresh’ teen, as well as a preoccupation with missing out on sexual experiences.

The suspected gunman lamented his loss of will power and spoke about being depressed, as well as referencing autism. 

In one clip, he speaks to the camera and says: ‘There’s something special about being young, I don’t know what it is, you just have that drive, you have that fresh bounce to you you know…maybe it’s just depression, maybe I’m just going through some health issues, I don’t know.

‘You just have a bounce to you when you’re young, you have that “woomph”, and you have that drive and that optimism for life.’

In another rant, he said: ‘When you’ve been defeated a million times, you wake up and you’re like “what the f**’k”? 

‘When you…work so f*****g hard…and you see m***********s that work nowhere near as hard as you, and then you wake up and you stare at the wall and you’re thinking “nothing’s changed”. 

‘I’m still in the same position. Same period in life…fat virgin…ugly…whatever you want to call it? What’s changed? Nothing.’

Weeks before his fatal rampage, he said he was struggling to push through his own problems. He told his small Youtube following: ‘I just can’t do that anymore. Call me a b***h, call me weak, call me whatever. I just can’t do it anymore.’

He also discusses seeking ‘cocaine-fuelled sex’ to make up for ‘missed teenage experiences’.

Davison repeatedly moaned about getting older, saying: ‘What is there to look forward to? Getting f***ing uglier every passing year. There’s nothing really to look forward to as an adult, other than getting rich.’

Despite his apparent interest in incel culture, defence Secretary Ben Wallace has ruled out terror-related motives, telling Sky News: ‘Overall, my thoughts are with the tragic loss of life and with the people who have lost loved ones today. 

‘The police have resolved the situation is my understanding and we can rule out terrorism.’

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