Sunday, 16 Mar 2025

'Pink door woman' in yet another war with council after latest paint job

A woman is facing yet another complaint about the colour of her door after already having to repaint it twice.

Miranda Dickson, 48, had to change the colour of her bright pink door in New Town after being threatened with a £20,000 fine by the City of Edinburgh Council.

After her bright green makeover was also deemed not acceptable, she painted her door an off-white colour – but has received yet another complaint.

Miranda told BBC Scotland: ‘I am speechless that someone has complained about this colour as far as I was concerned this chapter in my life was closed.

‘I’m shocked and distraught about it. It is definitely not the same colour as it was originally painted – it’s an off-white.

‘I feel bullied and that it has now become personal.’

The mum-of-two inherited her parents’ Georgian home in the World Heritage conservation area in 2019, and spent 18 months renovating it.

She got the front door professionally painted pink in 2021, but in October 2022was told she would need to change the colour as it did not meet the area standards.

A appeal failed so she applied for planning permission to paint it green, but while waiting for the outcome decided to do so anyway as the fine deadline for the pink colour was approaching.

Planners last week rejected the green application, and told her to stick to ‘traditional colours’ – so she painted it an ‘off-white’ and applied again for retrospective planning permission.

But the council has now received a fresh complaint that the door was pink again.

Miranda, who runs a travel agency, previously said: ‘When I started my vision about the house, I had my mood boards and for me the pink door was the wrapping to that creative vision.

‘The pink door was the external vision to what my internal house is.

‘So to be forced to change it has left me feeling saddened and disappointed.

I’m upset by all the energy and opinion it has caused and I now feel I am closing a chapter and putting it to bed, although I don’t feel peaceful about it.’

She said she was also confused because there are many other brightly coloured doors in the area.

A City of Edinburgh Council spokesperson said: ‘We have received a complaint alleging that the door has been repainted pink. We’re currently looking into this and so can’t say more at this time.’

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