Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

Piers Morgan says Cummings ‘wrecked’ lockdown not protestors against ‘racial injustices’

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The Good Morning Britain presenter has been outspoken about his views on coronavirus and reacted in fury when Mr Cummings was revealed to have travelled 260 miles to Durham during the height of lockdown, as well as his 60-mile trip to Barnard Castle to check his eyesight. Speaking on his ITV show, Mr Morgan said Mr Cummings’ decision to flout the lockdown would “cost lives” and accused both the special adviser and the Prime Minister for taking the country for “mugs”.

In response to London Mayor Sadiq Khan message to urge people to social distance at the protests on Twitter, Mr Morgan tweeted: “This seems sensible advice.

“Since Cummings-gate, young people simply won’t be told they can’t protest against George Floyd’s murder.

“He wrecked the lockdown, not the people furious at grotesque racial injustice. But if you do protest, mask up & try to socially distance.“

The 55-year-old urged protesters to social distance as much as they can, but he called people hypocrites for criticising protesters and defending Mr Cummings.

He said: “All the people I see howling abuse about the George Floyd protestors ‘risking lives’ are the same people I saw furiously defending Dominic Cummings.

“I see you, shameless hypocrites.”

He wrote on Twitter: “I also completely understand why people want to protest at racial injustice after George Floyd’s murder.

SEE MORE: Defiance in Britain as police warn against protests in virus crisis

“I just hope they wear masks & try to socially distance as best they can.”

Last week Mr Morgan said he was proud of his son for attending a Black Lives Matter protest.

He did remind protesters that today, the 76th anniversary of D-Day, is not the best time to deface Sir Winston Churchill’s statue in Westminster.


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The global protests over the killing of George Floyd are in their second week.

The African American from Minneapolis died after a white police officers held him down for nine minutes on May 25.

Many people who have attended the protests have been wearing masks and other face coverings.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock has urged people to not attend mass gatherings as the country fight off COVID-19.

Mr Hancock said: “It is vital that people stick to the rules this weekend is to protect themselves and their family from this horrific disease”.

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