Saturday, 15 Jun 2024

Piers Morgan Meghan Markle: How did they meet? Why Duchess is said to have ‘ghosted’ Piers

Meghan Markle and Harry: Expert slams 'trapped' comment

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Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s bombshell interview with Oprah Winfrey has caused a furore across the globe, with famous faces supporting both the Sussexes and the Royal Family in the wake of several revelations. Meghan and Harry revealed reasons behind quitting the Firm to chat show host Oprah, however Good Morning Britain presenter Piers Morgan said he did not believe Meghan.

He then left the set while filming GMB on Tuesday, and later ITV announced he had quit the popular morning show.

Morgan took to Twitter and said: “On Monday, I said I didn’t believe Meghan Markle in her Oprah interview.

“I’ve had time to reflect on this opinion, and I still don’t. If you did, OK. Freedom of speech is a hill I’m happy to die on.

“Thanks for all the love, and hate. I’m off to spend more time with my opinions.”

Read More: Meghan and Harry’s Duke and Duchess titles dropped as Queen responds

Morgan stormed off the show following a heated debate with colleague Alex Beresford, who condemned him for his hatred of Meghan and dubbed it “personal”.

Beresford said: “I understand that you don’t like Meghan Markle.

“You’ve made it so clear a number of times on this programme, and I understand that you had a personal relationship with Meghan Markle and she cut you off.

“Has she said anything about you after she cut you off? She’s entitled to cut you off if she wants to. And yet you continue to trash her.”

How did Piers and Meghan meet? 

Meghan Markle and Piers Morgan were friendly on Twitter, following a direct message the now-Duchess was said to have sent the TV presenter.

Morgan spoke of their friendship in his column for Mail Online at the time, revealing they had spoken regularly.

They were said to have discussed topics like spinning classes, calligraphy and a trip Meghan was due to make to Rwanda.

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The former GMB presenter said in June 2016 the pair then met up for drinks at the Scarsdale Tavern in Kensington.

Following the news of Meghan’s relationship with Prince Harry, Morgan praised the now-Duchess as a good fit for the Royal Family.

In December 2016 he wrote: “Ambitious about her career as an actress, yes. But there’s nothing wrong with that, and she’s genuinely talented as fans of her TV show Suits will know.

“More importantly, she seemed to have a real and touching concern for the future of the planet and its more impoverished and vulnerable members.

“As for Meghan’s suitability, consider this: she’s lived life a bit, professionally and sexually, and is not a naive 19-year-old virgin like Diana.”

Morgan also went on to defend Meghan following backlash surrounding her father Thomas Markle in May 2018.

However, following the wedding, Morgan was critical of Meghan for her reported plans to “fight for feminism”.

He warned the Duchess would have trouble “lecturing us all on equality, while your servants fluff your gold monogrammed pillows and your chauffeur warms up the fleet of vintage Rolls Royces”.

Later, Morgan revealed he had been ignored – ghosted – by Meghan following two columns where he changed his mind about Thomas Markle, calling him a “loving father”.

Morgan wrote: “If you’re not familiar with the term ‘ghosting’, it’s when someone you thought was a friend suddenly cuts off all communication with you, with zero warning, and then you never hear another word from that person again.”

“I remember it very clearly because it’s never happened to me before.”

Meghan has never spoken about her friendship with Morgan, nor has she publicly responded to any comments he has made about her.

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