Friday, 21 Jun 2024

People are spending all day at Wetherspoons ‘because they can't afford heating'

To some people, Wetherspoons is more than a pub – it’s an extension of their home and a vital part of the community.

But for the regulars at The Percy Shaw in Halifax, the good times are coming to an end. It was unfortunately on the list of 32 pubs Wetherspoons is selling off across the country.

Punters explained its loss will be felt in ways some might not realise.

Angela Johnson, 62, a regular from Hebden Bridge, said less affluent customers spend the best part of their day at The Percy Shaw.

‘People get a £1 coffee which is refillable and they will just sit and make it last,’ she said.

‘They can’t afford to put the heating on (at home), so they come here and read the newspapers. They can stay here all day if they want to.’

Angela added The Percy Shaw, which is named after the Halifax inventor of cat eyes, is a ‘really special place’ because it has a community vibe and friendly staff.

Other locals like Mike Cook, 76, also enjoys meet-ups at the pub, saying he has been a customer for many years.

Jason Hellowell, 49, from nearby Pye Nest, loved his summer visits because the pub has a lovely view and is a ‘sun trap’.

But Tom Hill, 23, admitted his favourite Spoons in Halifax is The Barum Top Inn on Rawson Street.

He said The Percy Shaw is ‘always rammed’, adding: ‘I prefer the Barum Top. It feels more pubby and is more of a community. This (The Percy Shaw) feels too much like a bar.’

Wetherspoons spokesman Eddie Gershon said: ‘On occasion Wetherspoon does put some of its pubs up for sale.

‘This is a commercial decision. We understand that customers and staff will be disappointed with it.’

Ten of the 32 venues due to close are in London and the South East, although the list of closures spans the breadth of the country.

In addition to two Yorkshire pubs facing closure, Stafford’s popular Butler’s Bell is also set to shut, despite it recently being saved by a local petition to keep it open.

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