Tuesday, 25 Jun 2024

Paramedic who raped 'extremely drunk' patient jailed for 21 years

A paramedic who raped a patient in her own home and sexually assaulted another in the back of his ambulance has been jailed for 21 years.  

Andrew Wheeler, 46, was branded a ‘manipulative sexual predator’ by a judge who slammed him for showing ‘not a shred of remorse’.  

Wheeler was on duty as a single crew paramedic in a rapid response car when he was called to help an ‘extremely drunk’ woman who collapsed in Cambridgeshire in 2018.  

He sent away two other colleagues in an ambulance, insisting he had the incident under control, before taking the victim to her home and raping and sexually assaulting her, Peterborough Crown Court heard.  

Eight years earlier Wheeler preyed on a patient suffering from anaphylaxis, sexually assaulting her in the back of his ambulance while she was unable to breathe.  

He previously raped her when she was not a patient a year earlier, it was said.

Sentencing, Judge Matthew Lowe said Wheeler demonstrated an ‘arrogance and a belief that he was untouchable and protected, as he saw it, by his paramedic’s uniform’. 

The judge said that Wheeler would never work as a paramedic, or in a similar capacity, again. 

Outlining the 2018 attack, prosecutor Noel Casey told the court the victim was ‘extremely intoxicated’ and ‘unable to properly respond or even resist what he did to her, adding: ‘There was a gross breach of trust.’  

In a victim impact statement, the woman said she had lost faith in the NHS and now suffered flashbacks from her ordeal.  

‘I’ve avoided seeing a paramedic and attending the hospital just because of what happened. 

‘I couldn’t handle dealing with life. I became a recluse.’ 

Wheeler, of Warboys, Cambridgeshire, was convicted of the rape and sexual assault of the two women following a month-long trial.

He was also found guilty of two counts of sexual assault of a child under the age of 13 in respect of a girl who was not a patient. 

He will also be subject to an indefinite Sexual Harm Prevention Order. 

Jennifer Dempster QC, mitigating, said Wheeler had no previous convictions and was someone who has done a ‘great deal of positive work in his life’. 

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