Monday, 23 Sep 2024

‘Outsider’ Prince Harry forced to ‘watch royals move forward’ as Duke ‘left in background’

Prince Harry 'felt like an outsider' claims royal expert

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Prince Harry “may feel like an outsider” in the Royal Family, a commentator has suggested. The Duke of Sussex’s strained bond with the rest of the monarchy became a point of focus after it was claimed that Prince Charles “may never forgive” his son. Us Weekly’s Royally Us podcast hosts Christina Garibaldi and Molly Mulshine discussed the impact this could have on the former working royal.

Ms Garibaldi told listeners: “Harry’s been through a lot, they lost their mum.

“I’m sure he kind of feels in a way he’s almost lost his dad too.

“It’s got to be really difficult for him to come to grips with this.

“He may feel like an outsider in his family, although that’s speculation.”

She continued: “Who knows if he actually feels like that?

“It’s got to be really difficult to watch his family move forward.

“Meanwhile he is kind of left in the background.”

Ms Mulshine added: “Hopefully a new leaf will turn over and they’ll all be able to put it behind them.”

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The hosts went on to brand the Prince of Wales’ reaction to his son as “harsh”.

Ms Mulshine told the podcast: “I kind of understand why he’d be so angry.

“This combined with the last season of The Crown are just tanking so much public goodwill that Charles and Camilla have fought to bring to themselves for over a decade.”

She continued: “It does make sense that he would be very frustrated.

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“But for a parent not to forgive their child, if that’s true, is harsh.”

In his interview with Oprah Winfrey, Harry said of his relationship with his father: “There’s a lot to work through there, you know? I feel really let down, because he’s been through something similar.

“He knows what pain feels like, and Archie’s his grandson. But, at the same time, of course I will always love him, but there’s a lot of hurt that’s happened.

“I will continue to make it one of my priorities to try and heal that relationship. And, but they only know what they know, or what they’re told. And I’ve tried to educate them through the process that I have been educated.”

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