Wednesday, 26 Jun 2024

Nurses demand laws ensuring safe staffing levels – ‘we’re at a tipping point’

Members of the Royal College of Nursing delivered a letter yesterday to Health Secretary Matt Hancock warning “patient care is suffering” as the NHS struggles to cope with a 40,000 shortfall in its staff numbers.

One of the protesters Victoria Marshall, from Bath said: “I’m a nurse in A&E and our doors never stop opening.The patients keep coming, they’re all very sick, but there’s just no help, nurses just can’t keep up. We’re just not staffed properly.”

The letter urged Mr Hancock to bring in legislation saying who is responsible for ensuring there are nurses with the right skills to keep patients safe.

It said: “Dear Matt, We’ve got to talk. There are 40,000 nursing vacancies in the NHS in England alone. Patient care is suffering. Nurses are suffering. Too many are voting with their feet. We need change.

“A law on safe and effective staffing can help set us all on a better path. Wales has one. Scotland has one. When will we? We’re counting on you to champion a law in England too.”

RCN England director Patricia Marquis said nurses had made their feelings known when they signed the letter at the RCN’s annual congress last month.

She added: “The message is clear – we’re at a tipping point – and it’s endorsed by members across the nation.

These are nursing staff who are starting to grow impatient with the Health Secretary because their peers in Scotland and Wales are working in conditions that are arguably safer than in England.

“The only way to deliver the urgent action we need, that will ensure we have the right nurses, with the right skills, working in the right places, is through legislation.”

A Department of Health and Social Care spokesman said: “It is already a requirement for hospitals to have the right staff, in the right place, at the right time and our Long Term Plan sets out how we will ensure the NHS stays the safest healthcare system in the world.”

Source: Read Full Article

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