Sunday, 6 Oct 2024

Nurseries reopening: Are nurseries going back in June?

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On May 10, Prime Minister Boris Johnson outlined the Government’s plans to ease lockdown restrictions in the coming months. Amongst what was introduced, Mr Johnson said Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 pupils could go back to school “at the earliest” on June 1. But what is the situation for nurseries?

Are nurseries going back in June?

Nurseries could reopen from June 1, at the same time as some primary schools.

In addition to Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 pupils, the Prime Minister said nurseries could reopen next month.

From June 1, all children and young people eligible to return to their settings will have access to testing if they display coronavirus symptoms.


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Education Secretary Gavin Williamson said: “I know how hard schools, colleges, early years settings and parents are working to make sure children and young people can continue to learn at home, and I cannot thank them enough for that.

But nothing can replace being in the classroom, which is why I want to get children back to school as soon as it is safe to do so.

“The latest scientific advice indicates it will be safe for more children to return to school from June 1, but we will continue to limit the overall numbers in school and introduce protective measures to prevent transmission.

“This marks the first step towards having all young people back where they belong – in nurseries, schools and colleges – but we will continue to be led by the scientific evidence and will only take further steps when the time is right.”

Guidance to the education sector, published on May 11 set out a range of protective measures to ensure schools, nurseries and other settings remain safe places, including:

  • reducing the size of classes and keeping children in small groups without mixing with others
  • staggered break and lunch times, as well as drop offs and pick ups
  • increasing the frequency of cleaning, reducing the used of shared items and utilising outdoor space

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The official guidance also said: “The Government’s ambition is for all primary school children to return to school before the summer for a month if feasible, though this will be kept under review.

“Priority groups, including vulnerable children and children of critical workers who have been eligible to attend throughout school closures, will continue to be able to attend schools, colleges and early years settings as they are currently.

“The transmission rate has decreased, and the aim is that by June 1 at the earliest it will be safe for a greater number of children and young people to return to education and childcare.

“As a result, the Government is asking schools and childcare providers to plan on this basis, ahead of confirmation of the scientific advice.”

However, teachers have called the Prime Minister “reckless” for aiming to reopen schools and nurseries in June.

Mary Bousted, joint general secretary of the National Education Union, said: “Coronavirus continues to ravage communities in the UK and the rate of Covid-19 infection is still far too great for the wider opening of our schools.

“If schools are re-opened to blatant breaches of health and safety, we will strongly support our members who take steps to protect their pupils, their colleagues and their families.

“The worst outcome of any wider re-opening of schools is a second spike of COVID-19 infection.”

Source: Read Full Article

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