Wednesday, 22 Jan 2025

Nigel Farage predicts ‘mass rule breaking’ as ‘lockdown in all but name’ announced

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As of December 2, England will be out of the current lockdown but today, the Government announced which areas will be stuck with harsh restrictions due to the tier system. The likes of London has been placed in high alert while Greater Manchester is in Tier 3.

But Nigel Farage has lashed out at the government’s plans claiming the tier system is “lockdown in all but name”.

The leader of the Brexit Party tweeted: “This is lockdown in all but name. 

“I think that mass rulebreaking is coming.”

His comments come just minutes after Health Secretary Matt Hancock announced the new Tier system for when the country comes out of lockdown next week.

Announcing the new system, Health Secretary Matt Hancock said “these are not easy decisions, but they have been made according to the best clinical advice”.

He told MPs: “Thanks to the shared sacrifice of everyone in recent weeks, in following the national restrictions, we have been able to start to bring the virus back under control and slow its growth, easing some of the pressure on the NHS.

“We will do this by returning to a regional tiered approach, saving the toughest measures for the parts of the country where prevalence remains too high.

“Regardless of your tier, I ask everyone – we must all think of our responsibilities to keep the virus under control we should see these restrictions not as a boundary to push but as a limit on what the public advice says we can safely do in one area.”

Mr Farage is not the only person to object to the new measures set to come into effect from next week.

Labour MP for Warwick and Leamington, Matt Western, also criticised the new tier system.

He wrote on Twitter: “London in Tier 2. Warwick and Leamington (together with the whole of Warwickshire) in Tier 3… how?

“And don’t understand why we’re group with Coventry and Solihull.

“This will be seriously damaging to our local economy.”

One person wrote on Twitter: “Nobody is obeying the rules that I can see, most of the silent majority I know are going along with this for a quiet life and behind the scenes doing largely what they want.

“They know it’s absurd nonsense and the threat is low to non-existent.”

Others claimed people ignoring the rules is already going on with one person saying: “If you’re in London you know that it’s already going on.

“It’s normal life but just with no businesses.

“An economically disastrous situation and no tangible gain.”

Another person wrote: “Our city centres have become soulless, joyless sad places, with few people about.

“The COVID madness is fragmenting our society.

“Lockdowns and restrictions are destroying lives and livelihoods, and sucking the joy out of being alive.

“All to fight a virus with an IFR of around 0.3 percent.”

Others remarked how they have gone into a higher tier despite the last month in lockdown.

One Twitter user said: “Definitely! They can do one.

“Come out of a month long lockdown in a higher tier than we went in! JOKE!”

Someone else echoed: “It’s s**t!

“Rugby in tier two a month ago, four weeks lockdown, now in tier three!

“Lockdown didn’t work then!!”

Others pointed out London was placed in Tier 2 despite having a higher R rate than other parts of the country. 

More to follow.. 

Source: Read Full Article

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