Sunday, 29 Sep 2024

Nicola Sturgeon’s SNP separatist obsession a ‘direct threat’ to Scottish jobs warns MP

Outraged Conservative MP Greg Smith attacked First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP for refusing to let their independent Scotland dream die during Prime Minister’s Questions. Mr Smith insisted that Scotland leaving the United Kingdom would be a “direct threat” to jobs. He added an independent Scotland could result in a physical border between Scotland and England, further jeopardising businesses and the economy.

He said: “Will the right honourable gentleman share my concern that the separatist agenda peddled by the SNP is a direct threat to Scottish jobs.

“If the SNP had their dreams come true it would inevitably end up in a hard border between Scotland and England.”

The House of Commons then erupted in cheers of agreement.

Tory MP Alister Jack answered: “I would absolutely agree that Nicola Sturgeon’s separatist agenda is a real threat to Scotland’s jobs, businesses and the economy.

READ MORE: Nicola Sturgeon’s independent Scotland plot DISMANTLED 

“That is why I am against the First Minister’s demand for another independence referendum.”

The Tory MP then attacked the SNP for their unrelenting push for Scottish independence.

He said: “We, the Conservative Party, want 2020 to be a year of growth, stability and opportunity for Scotland and the whole of the United Kingdom.

“The SNP want 2020 to be a year of more political wrangling and wasteful debate.”

Commentator Benedict Spence on Tuesday took aim at the First Minister for hoping Brexit failures would strengthen her independence argument.

Nicola Sturgeon has long proclaimed that Brexit will be bad for the United Kingdom and especially detrimental for Scotland.

The First Minister would often insist the Scottish people did not vote for Brexit and should not be taken out of the European Union “against their will.”

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Mr Spence told Sky News, in the event Brexit talks go poorly there are still issues with Scotland being a separate entity to the United Kingdom.

Mr Spence said: “If we go back over the hundreds of years between England and Scotland, there are ties that are a lot closer that bind those two than that of the UK to the EU.

“Just imagine the difficulties of that change.

“Imagine if there was a border imposed between Scotland and England and how that would impact Scotland’s economy.”

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