Monday, 24 Jun 2024

Nicola Sturgeon shamed: SNP launches PETTY campaign against Boris as stand-off erupts

The Scottish Government are reported to have retaliated by contracting buildings from the site which would have been instead used by the COP26 summit, due to take place in Glasgow in November. Holyrood officials rejected the claims but admitted they had booked the Glasgow Science Centre, which is opposite the main conference site, after the UK Government had previously booked the rooms it needed for the summit.

Claire O’Neill, the event’s former coordinator, launched a blistering attack on the Scottish Government and described a “complete standoff” between Holyrood and Westminster.

She told the BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme: “One of the things you would have hoped to have organised by now is an absolutely firm location.

“I have not been party to the numbers and negotiations, but I am told by those involved that the original analysis was hundreds of millions of pounds off track, that the Scottish Government has absolutely behaved disgracefully and has been contracting buildings on the COP site that should be made available to the conference, and that there has been a complete standoff.”

The extraordinary row comes after Prime Minister Boris Johnson refused to give First Minister Nicola Sturgeon an official role in the COP26 conference, which is due to take place in her own home city of Glasgow.

When Ms O’Neill, suggested the Prime Minister give Ms Sturgeon a role, Mr Johnson is reported to have replied: “Over my f****** body.”

“I’m not being driven out of Scotland by that bloody Wee Jimmy Krankie woman,” according to The Sun. 

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The insult was a reference to the 1980s Scottish comedy act, The Krankies, in which Janette Tough, 72, played schoolboy Jimmy.

Downing Street has denied the claims, but a Number 10 source acknowledged Mr Johnson did express “strong views about the first minister’s official role”.

Defiant, Ms Sturgeon has insisted she will still attend the Glasgow event in November despite the extraordinary snub.


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She said: “I fully intend to be in Glasgow, my home city, and to play my part in making it a success for Scotland, the UK and the world.

“We must all be serious about our responsibilities.”

The Scottish leader also tweeted: “To be clear – @scotgov wants #COP26 to be a success & will play our full part in making it so.

“It’s not about Boris Johnson or me – it is about tackling the climate crisis.

“My commitment is that political differences will not stop me and my government working to make it a success.”

She also wrote to Mr Johnson pleading with him to allow Scottish Environment Secretary Roseanna Cunningham to take part in the UK cabinet meetings ahead of the November summit.

The First Minister said: “To support the UK’s collective effort to both deliver a successful COP and to ensure Scotland and the UK can demonstrate leadership by placing ourselves on track to deliver out respective targets of net zero by 2045 and 2050, I am writing to propose that Scotland’s Cabinet Secretary for the Environment and Climate Change, who also chairs the Scottish Government’s delivery group in relation to COP26, attends the Cabinet meetings on climate change which you have committed to chair.

“I believe this would not only help with co-ordination, ensuring any issues can be aired early and properly dealt with, but would also demonstrate our joint commitment to and responsibility for delivering an event that is not only safe and secure but that lives up to the expectations of the world.”

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