Friday, 21 Jun 2024

NHS staff warned over being ‘mugged at knife point’ for ID during special shopping hour

On Twitter over the past couple of days, users have begun to share stories of muggings happening around London of key workers holding the frontline together as they battle deadly coronavirus. It comes after supermarkets announced “golden” hours each morning to help the elderly and NHS workers buy essential supplies during the pandemic.

In a leaked email seen by, Healthy London Partnership, which works with the NHS, London councils and Public Health England, has warned workers to “be very vigilant” on their way to work.

The email said: “Dear all, we are regrettably hearing reports from the Met that some NHS staff are being mugged for their passes and lanyards.

“Please be very vigilant when using your passes and showing your lanyards”

Healthy London is yet to respond to‘s request for a comment, however, many NHS workers and family members have taken to social media to express outrage at the situation.

One tweeted: “Since 6.30 am yesterday, I have slept for just 3 hours, and worked 26.5 hours. It’s hard but I love my job. To know that I have to hide my #NHS badge coming out of work or risk being mugged (for what? A free cup of coffee and early access to Tesco?) is heartbreaking.”

Another replied: “My mum is one of many nurses in the NHS working in hospitals at this scary time, and today NHS staff have were warned about being mugged for their ID outside the hospital so, people can use it to get into shops early etc…WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD? Genuinely lost for words.”

A third, tweeting Metropolitan Police, added: “Please increase patrols around Queen Square. The NHS staff are being mugged trying to get to & from work at that hospital this morning.”

A fourth said: “Mum’s just been told she’s not allowed to display her NHS badge because people are being mugged and stealing them to use for the NHS discounts and early entries? Genuinely disgraceful behaviour.”

The Metropolitan Police have also asked people who witness criminal behaviour against NHS staff to come forward.

They tweeted: “We are aware of claims of NHS staff being deliberately targeted by criminals in London.

“The MPS is not aware of any recent reports of this nature.

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“If you have direct knowledge of such a crime, please report it and we will investigate.”

Oxford Professor of Primary Care Trisha Greenhalgh claimed a report was sent out to junior doctors in one London Hospital warning the muggings have involved being held at knifepoint

Ms Greenhalgh said: “Message sent to junior doctors in one London hospital: ’There have been multiple muggings at knifepoint of doctors arriving at or leaving the hospital. Their ID badges are being stolen. Don’t put your badge on until you get into the hospital.’”

It comes as NHS workers are having to work ever-increasing hours are they deal with overwhelming pressure from the virus on public health services.

The worst day in the UK from coronavirus related deaths happened yesterday, as 87 people died.

Leading the government to open a temporary hospital in the ExCel Centre next week that will hold up to 4,000 patients.

Matt Hancock has announced that the new NHS nightingale hospital will hold up to 4,000 patients.

“With the help of the military and with NHS clinicians, we will make sure that we have the capacity we need to make sure everyone can get the support they need,” he said.

On Thursday emergency legislation will be instated to allow for unlimited fines if people break the rules on public gathering, reported the Telegraph.

“Police officers are to “persuade, cajole, negotiate and advise” the public to follow lockdown restrictions, as police leaders said they do not want to be forced to take more draconian measures.” Wrote the newspaper.

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