Monday, 30 Sep 2024

National lockdown rules: Is the UK going into full lockdown?

Boris Johnson announces new national lockdown

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has addressed the nation for the fourth time in 10 months, after a rapid rise in the number of coronavirus cases in the UK. The Prime Minister explained that the new strain of the virus has forced his hand, and that we will be going into a third national lockdown.

The UK has seen rising infection numbers of coronavirus over the past few weeks, ahead of Johnson’s announcement.

The NHS’s ability to handle such a vast number of Covid patients has come into question, and the UK’s four Chief Medical Officers agreed to raise to the Covid Alert Level from 4 to 5 on Monday evening.

The Prime Minister has been forced into announcing new, tougher restrictions again, despite the UK coming out of lockdown just one month ago.

The new measures will come into force on Wednesday January 5, Johnson confirmed.

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Is the UK going into full lockdown?

Prime Minister Boris Johnson confirmed on Monday evening that he was launching a new national lockdown.

The lockdown will be starting from Wednesday January 5, at 00.01am.

The UK had managed to contain the virus, up until the end of December, he explained.

But, after the introduction of the second Covid variant, which was first highlighted a few days before Christmas Day, his hand was ultimately forced into action.

“It has been both frustrating and alarming to see the speed with which the new variant is spreading,” said Johnson.

“As I speak to you tonight, our hospitals are under more pressure from Covid than at any time since the start of the pandemic.

“In England, we must therefore go into a national lockdown which is tough enough to contain this variant.

“You may only leave home for limited reasons permitted in law, such as to shop for essentials, to work if you absolutely cannot work from home, to exercise, to seek medical assistance such as getting a Covid test, or to escape domestic abuse.”

What are the new national lockdown rules?

The biggest rule to know is that the Government is once again urging the public to stay at home.

You’re only allowed to leave your home for essential reasons.

You can go outside for exercises, to go shopping for essential food supplies, for medicine, or to escape from domestic violence.

Johnson also confirmed that the Government was ordering schools to close.

Johnson explained that all primary schools, secondary schools, colleges and universities must move to online learning from tomorrow morning.

The only exception is the children of key workers.

“Everyone will still be able to access early years settings such as nurseries.

“We recognise that this will mean it is not possible or fair for all exams to go ahead this summer as normal. The Education Secretary will work with Ofqual to put in place alternative arrangements.”

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