Monday, 10 Mar 2025

Mum’s ‘humiliation’ after little girl is forced to wear nappies to school

A little girl “still suffers from anxiety” after being forced to wear a nappy to school as there was no disabled toilet for her to use.

Violet Heasley, from Belfast in Northern Ireland, had attended Dunmurry Primary School for nursery and proceeded to go to the primary school. 

Violet has Osteogenesis Imperfecta, which is known as brittle bone disease and was the only wheelchair user at the school.

Her mum Shelbie Heasley said she had spoken of her daughter’s toileting needs when she was in the nursery, and was assured the correct facilities would be there when she started going to school.

Ms Heasley said she had made this notification of Violet’s needs in September 2018, with Violet eventually leaving the setting for good in May 2022, when nothing had been added or resolved.

Speaking to BelfastLive, Ms Heasley said she felt her daughter had “no choice” but to wear nappies – despite not actually needing them. 

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As a result, the family brought a disability discrimination case on behalf of Violet with the support of the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland. The case was settled without admission of liability.

As part of the settlement terms the school has agreed to ensure it will conform with equality legislation in relation to its facilities.

Violet’s mum said in an interview with our sister news website: “I told the school of Violet’s condition and her needs before she started nursery. They said they were happy to have her in the nursery.

“They said no problem and they could get things put in for her. She started P1 and no toilet. She had to wear a nappy and there was no other option for her.

‘It was humiliating for her’ 

“It was humiliating for her. She had no dignity and she didn’t feel like she fitted in with everybody else. It was really hard on everyone, us as parents as well, watching your child being upset and feeling the humiliation for her.”

Violet had wanted to go to the same school as her sister, but they both now attend different schools. Her mum said the decision to take her little girl out of the school came at the end of lockdown.

She added: “After lockdown I decided to keep the girls off, I didn’t want to send Violet back and Violet did not want to go back.

“I thought getting her a different school with better facilities was in her best interest. It was just awful, where was her dignity? It took months to find another school that could accommodate her needs.

“Violet’s new school has the appropriate facilities, and she is able to fully participate in everyday life at school and is thriving.”

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Violet is now a ‘social butterfly’ 

“Securing her new school place wasn’t an easy process either. I believe it was a result of our persistence, hard work and a lot of stress,” she added.

Ms Heasley says Violet continues to suffer from anxiety due to the issue, although is now thriving in her new school and has become a ‘social butterfly’.

“She has anxiety about certain things, she doesn’t like the thought of not having a toilet near her. It did affect her socially, but since she started her new school she’s just a social butterfly now.

“She has come completely out of her shell, she was kind of withdrawn, but now she’d just talk to anybody.”

Geraldine McGahey, Chief Commissioner of the Equality Commission, says every child in NI has the right to access education in a suitable setting.

“I am delighted to hear that Violet has settled into her new school and is enjoying school life. The Commission believes every child must have equality of access to a quality educational experience and must be given the opportunity to reach his or her full potential.

“This remains the case even when times are difficult and budgets tight. We are acutely aware of the challenges faced by many parents of children with disabilities or with Special Educational Needs to secure an appropriate place at a school.

“Whilst recognising the pressures faced by both individual schools and the Education Authority, it is important that all children are in a school environment which meets their needs and where they will be happy and flourish.”

The Equality Commission added the school regretted any upset to Violet and her parents regarding the toileting facilities and that an accessible toilet has been installed.

Source: Read Full Article

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