Saturday, 28 Sep 2024

Mum jailed over 'terrifying' drunken rage on board Thomas Cook flight

A ‘drunken thug’ has been jailed over a two-hour rampage at 40,000 feet which forced a pilot to divert a Thomas Cook flight.

Natasha Allen pulled her leggings and underwear down and cornered the cabin manager during a flight from Manchester to Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands.

Her ‘loutish and self-indulgent’ behaviour was so bad the captain made the decision to re-route the plane to Portugal, Manchester Crown Court heard.

She is now beginning a 15 month jail term as the judge sent a clear message against disruptive behaviour on flights.

Earlier the court heard how Allen, 30, from Middleton, boarded her flight on September 12 last year with two friends.

Cabin crew and passengers saw her ‘behaving in a loud manner’ as she bought a J20 to mix with her own bottle of duty free vodka.

The court heard how staff confiscated the bottle, half of which the defendant had drank in the departure lounge.

The captain asked crew for Allen’s passport details so the incident could be included on his flight report.

A member of staff searched the her belongings for a passport while she was on the toilet.

Allen screamed at her and called her a ‘f***ing thief’ when she returned and later went to the galley to complain about an attendant ‘spilling a drink on her jogging bottoms’.

She ‘singled out’ the most senior crew member before ‘pushing her back’ towards one of the aircraft’s doors, leaving her ‘genuinely in fear’.

When asked to tone down her language because there were children on board, the court heard how she said: ‘I have had my children taken off me so I will swear if I want to, you can’t f***ing stop me.’

During the row, she also called a stewardess a ‘f***ing liar’ and pulled her jogging bottoms down and exposed herself in front of staff and passengers, Mr Taylor said.

Crew had restraint equipment at the ready but feared Allen was too out of control for it to be used safely.

By the time she eventually returned to her seat, the captain had already decided to divert the flight carrying 200 passengers to Faro in the Algrave, on Portugal’s southern coast – about 700 miles from the intended destination.

It was the first time in the pilot’s 13 year career that he had to divert a flight due to behaviour of passenger.

The court heard how at least one passenger thought Allen may also have been ‘under the influence of something else’ and that the defendant told a probation officer she smokes cannabis every day.

Allen, from Middleton, was hauled off by plane by the Portugese authorities, and, despite no action being taken there, she was summoned to court on her return to the UK.

She initially denied any wrongdoing but later pleaded guilty to being drunk on board an aircraft.

The foul mouthed passenger also owned up to a public order offence of using threatening, abusive, or insulting words or behaviour against a person in a way which made them fear violence.

Allen has a number of other drink related convictions including public order offences, attacking a police officer and assault.

Amos Waldman, defending, said: ‘She accepts the facts of those offences and this one, and she tells me she’s ashamed she committed them.

‘Nearly all of them involve alcohol. She has reduced her consumption since this incident and she has flown since this incident without any issues.’

‘This incident was clearly extremely unpleasant. I don’t seek to minimise the circumstances of this offence.

‘But she was able to be returned to her seat without being restrained and without causing any physical injuries.’

Judge Hilary Manley said Allen had reached the ‘end of the line’ and decided to make an example of her.

She said Allen ‘knew full well’ that she was not allowed to drink her duty free alcohol until she arrived at her destination.

The judge added: ‘You were drunk. You were also likely under the influence of cannabis.

‘You singled out on senior member of cabin crew for particularly aggressive treatment.

‘She genuinely believed you were going to hit and seriously injure her.’

The judge said the captain could hear and see her behaviour from the cockpit, which would no doubt have been ‘distracting an unnerving’.

She added: ‘Your drunken, loutish, self-indulgent behaviour caused unease and disruption to passengers and cost and disruption to the airline.

‘For passengers to be trapped on a metal tube at 40,000 feet with a drunken thug is terrifying.’

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