Saturday, 21 Sep 2024

Mum and ex-lover deny killing toddler who suffered 39 fractures

The mother of a two-year-old boy who was beaten to death at home has denied his murder.

Phylesia Shirley, 23, and her former partner Kemar Brown, 27, are accused of killing toddler Kyrell Matthews in October 2019.

He was found in cardiac arrest at a home in Thornton Heath, south London, on October 20, having suffered blunt trauma injuries to various parts of his body and 39 rib fractures.

Both pleaded not guilty to murder as well as a second charge of causing or allowing the death of a child at the Old Bailey on Thursday morning.

Anne Whyte, QC, prosecuting, earlier told the court: ‘Shirley is the mother of Kyrell. Kemar Brown was and is in a relationship with Ms Shirley and spent large amounts of time at Shirley’s address. Both therefore, were in a caring role to Kyrell.

‘It is clear from a combination of evidence, including significant pathological evidence, Kyrell had suffered significant blunt force trauma to his abdomen. These injuries had been caused on five separate occasions.

‘The trauma which led to death is considered to have been caused by any one or a combination of forceful squeezing, punching, kicking or stamping.’

Shirley and Brown, both from separate addresses in Thornton Heath, will stand trial on 5 January 2022.

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